whats on the menu?


What will a snowflake and a chainlink eel eat? I was giving them silver sides. I would like to give them something else, what do you recommend?


Active Member
pieces of fresh seafood (uncooked) from the grocery. squid, shrimp, etc.
i feed smaller eels thawed krill (purchased in large sheets from the fish store).


ok, thanks. So i should go to the grocery store......they are more cheaper then the lfs! Thats for sure. Any good brand names?


Active Member
Buy uncooked from the seafood counter or whatever. Dont worry about brand names, b/c the fresh seafood wont be prepackaged. Just go to the counter where they sell the whole fish, etc, and request certain items.
And yes, they have looked at me funny before when I went in and requested a selection of three shrimp. And that's it.


ok i will. I'm going later today. Now, i heard that i should'n really feed the eels that much of squid cause of fatty oil, is that true?


Active Member
I give my eels squid once in a while as a treat, they seem to particularly enjoy it. But I have heard a few things about the fatty oil you've brought up. Let's see what other people say in this thread, i'd be interested to know as well if I should stop their treats. I wouldnt make it a staple of their diet, thats for sure. Maybe I should cut out the eels' treats....:thinking:

kart racer

I also give my eel and triggers pieces of squid every week or so. Maybe if this isnt a good idea someone will chime in.