What's really driving me nuts!


Good point, Tony. Anywhere there's money to be made the profiteers will come out. Individually, it's up to each of us to say either yes or no to these vendors. It would be nice, though, to be on the receiving end of 50$ per polyp zoo's.
I'll stick to the LFS's and see what I buy and bring along with me the ability to say no.
Sorry about your tank.


:jumping: All things said on this thread are very relevent, the biggest thing is that we as consumers have the ultimate power. If we don't buy into the garbage going on then it will eventually go away. By supporting good lfs and trading with eachother then we are saying that we won't put up with bs.
This said I have a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater for sale for $1000.00 (just kidding, seriously who comes up with some of the names for this stuff :notsure: ) All I know is this is an awesome hobby, but you have to know what stuff is worth to you.


:notsure: tony your right, but you know how it is . anytime people can make money off of something they take advantage of it. look at live rock, 8 to 10 bucks a pound? when where it comes from a guy dives for probly 5 cents a pound. pure greed . it's really messed up.i think fragging is better for the eco system, let the corals live in the ocean, let people frag stuff, if some fool out there wants to think a 2" frag is worth a 100.00, well thats there choice.
but it wont be me:D