whats so good about a sump?


i dnt get it. can you guys please tell me all about a sump and protien sipper and a 'REFUGIUM'. i jus dnt get the different chambers,skimmer,carbon, and all that. thanx guy.


there are about 500 posts in the DIY section that talk about this, and a lot of them have good pictures. Most (if not all) of the people who post there, are more knowledgable and would explain this better than I. That said, I just designed and built my own sump and am getting ready to get it going, as soon as a get a pump, so I'll give you my limited experience.
So, what is the purpose of a sump?
Well you possibly have a heater, filter, protein skimmer, biowheel, and multiple powerheads in your tank. The advantage of a sump is that, with its use you can get all of that crap out of your tank, and just look at your beautiful fish.
What is the advantage a refugeium?
This is a place where you can grow pretty much whatever you want. I would choose something that is beneficial to your display tank, but too ugly to let grow in there. Most people grow some type of macroalgea (chaeto or calurpa). This will eat many of the nutrients in your water and prevent the growth of other algae in your display tank. Also you can use a deep sand bed. all of this should help to keep your nitrates low. Ah, and the most important thing, is that in this macro algae (most people choose to keep a small amount of live rock in there as well) you will have a breading ground for copepods. this way they can grow in peace away from your fish. that is until they are unfortunate enough to meet the impellar from your return pump and get thrust into the DT to be eaten. which provides a natural food source for your fish.
Now, what is a protein sipper?
Im guessing you mean a protein skimmer. this works on the principal that fish waste kind of sticks to bubbles. so a protein skimmer has a chamber where it puts in a bunch of little bubbles. the proteins stick to them and are collected and the clean water is returned to your tank. basically it is a filter that collects junk that is too small for you to see.
What is the purpose of carbon?
it pulls impurities out of the water.
How do you design a sump/fuge, size of chambers etc...
this is almost impossible to answer. it is very individualized and is based solely on your system and livestock. Look in the DIY section and you will get an idea. The basic principles stick throughout. You want an overflow, which is a way for the water to get from your display tank to your sump/fuge. The water lands in the sump area where you have your filters, protein skimmers etc... The water flows through a bubble trap and into the fuge. This is the area discussed above. From there it goes to your return pump area. It is then pumped from the sump/fuge up into your display tank.
So what are its advantages?
It gives you a place to put a lot of your equipment out of sight.
It allows you to grow pods.
it allows you to grow macroalgae to keep the hair algae out of your tank.
it increases the water volume of your total system.
it keeps the water level in your display tank constant.
it makes water changes easier
it gives you an excuse to go to the fish store and buy stuff.

Note: If you do install a sump make sure to not fill it all the way to prevent a wet house. Read the DIY section and you will learn how to build one and how to prevent problems.
Also, just a note, questions such as "i dont get all this stuff, and can you tell me everything about...." usually dont get good responses here. not because people dont want to help, but the answer to these questions are usually as long as this one. People dont mind helping, but they dont always have time to post something like this. When you have questions like this, use the search tool, and get a good idea what is going on and you can post more educated and specific questions. You lucked out, in that I am caring for a sick loved one who is sleeping all the time, and have nothing but time.


ok first off id like to say sorry bout ur loved on and hope will feel better soon. next,thank you. it really did help me out ALOT. i know what you mean bout the whole tell me everything about a sump thing. ok so i get it now, a skimmer gets out little crap and a sump keeps all the equipmnt out of sight, cool. thanx alot

royal gang

Active Member

Originally Posted by j-j_02
ok first off id like to say sorry bout ur loved on and hope will feel better soon. next,thank you. it really did help me out ALOT. i know what you mean bout the whole tell me everything about a sump thing. ok so i get it now, a skimmer gets out little crap and a sump keeps all the equipmnt out of sight, cool. thanx alot

and grow coepods for mandarins YAY!!! oh and also...
it gives you an excuse to go to the fish store and buy stuff.


no problem, and I appreciate your concern. believe me, I have taken way more knowledge from this board than I have provided. Happy to help.