i like to acknowledge things people say with a "hey" "yeah" "alright" "get down" "right on" in a slow, chilled method, while pointing at them, turning my head, and nodding. some people do it every once in a while, but i will do it between sentences if you give me the chance.
I listen to barry manilow, and sing it loud while at work. this is only strange because i am 21 and people think i shouldnt even know who barry manilow is.
i can solve a rubiks cube, and i have one in my man bag, car, house, office, and just about everywhere else. I have set myself up that i will always have a cube within arms reach. whenever i get bored with the person i am talking to or hanging out with, i pull it out and play with it. so my friends know that if we are hanging out and we are having a conversation, and i pull my cube out of my man purse, they know ive tuned out and dont give a crap about what they are talking about.
i have a man bag (apparently a very "strange" thing to have)
i continue to spend money on this hobby when i am completely and utterly broke.