What's something you've done people would find odd?


Active Member
weirdest thing ive done that i had no problems doing that im sure people would find weird?
a) climbing on the back of a 2k lb bull, dead sober, an attempting to ride him
b) getting back up off the ground after said bull threw me halfway across the arena an attempting it again, succeeding that time around
c) doing this on numerous occasions, even after completely tearing up both shoulders and one hip, and busting multiple ribs
d) honestly and trully, no matter how much i say ill never do it again, wish like hell i could still ride


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I read the Bible (King James version) from cover to cover. Only done it once though.
I have read it multiple times, though not the king james version, but the catholic version....or the king james + 7 books.


i like to acknowledge things people say with a "hey" "yeah" "alright" "get down" "right on" in a slow, chilled method, while pointing at them, turning my head, and nodding. some people do it every once in a while, but i will do it between sentences if you give me the chance.
I listen to barry manilow, and sing it loud while at work. this is only strange because i am 21 and people think i shouldnt even know who barry manilow is.
i can solve a rubiks cube, and i have one in my man bag, car, house, office, and just about everywhere else. I have set myself up that i will always have a cube within arms reach. whenever i get bored with the person i am talking to or hanging out with, i pull it out and play with it. so my friends know that if we are hanging out and we are having a conversation, and i pull my cube out of my man purse, they know ive tuned out and dont give a crap about what they are talking about.
i have a man bag (apparently a very "strange" thing to have)
i continue to spend money on this hobby when i am completely and utterly broke.


Active Member
Backing my car into a spot. It seems the days of the art of backing a car in, so you can quickly leave a parking lot has almost faded away completely.
x2, a murse is not cool...


I sit in the sink when I pluck my eyebrows.
When I sit bare foot, I hold my toes intertwined in my fingers, like holding hands.
I almost always take in a shopping cart from the parking lot, even if I don't need to use one.
I'm still thinking of other stuff people have called me wierd for...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I almost always take in a shopping cart from the parking lot, even if I don't need to use one.
Hey, I do this too, always. It's like my 'good deed' for the day or something...
And it just pisses me off to see somebody come out, unload their cart, and leave it in the next car space....


My family thinks I am weird for sitting alone in the dark with a flashlight and a magnifying glass. They always pick on me. So I have to sneek and do it when everyone goes to sleep.
I make my bed before I leave my bedroom every morning. I have done this since I was a child.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I almost always take in a shopping cart from the parking lot, even if I don't need to use one.
I'm still thinking of other stuff people have called me wierd for...

Originally Posted by T316

Hey, I do this too, always. It's like my 'good deed' for the day or something...
And it just pisses me off to see somebody come out, unload their cart, and leave it in the next car space....

You guys are looking at this all wrong. By me leaving my cart in the middle of the parking lot, I am giving some high schooler job security. If everyone took the carts inside they wouldnt have to hire any kids to gather carts all day.
My laziness with the shopping carts is my little way of stimulating the economy and creating jobs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
You guys are looking at this all wrong. By me leaving my cart in the middle of the parking lot, I am giving some high schooler job security. If everyone took the carts inside they wouldnt have to hire any kids to gather carts all day.
My laziness with the shopping carts is my little way of stimulating the economy and creating jobs.
omg. you have been talking to my Husband again, haven't you?


Active Member
i shower in the dark while laying down, not many people know that though lol
when i walk i walk on my toes and will rarely put pressure on my heals
when i am setting down or am standing still i lift my big toes strait up in the air
hmmmm what else
i have enough cloths that i wouldnt have to do laundry for 2 years and would have something new every day to wear
im sure theres some thing else i dont remember


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
when i walk i walk on my toes and will rarely put pressure on my heals
when i am setting down or am standing still i lift my big toes strait up in the air
...do you practice yoga, by any chance?