whats the #1


Active Member
since they barely swim they dont need huge tanks and can be kept happy in as small as a 40 or 55g tank (the bigger the foot print the better) like a 40 breeder IMO would be better than a 55g long. they are very expensive and only wild caught. they dont hold up in poor water quality at all. so you need bullet proof filtration and not to over feed abotu 3 times a week for an adult. plus being venemous I consider this a look but dont keep species unless you are damn serious about keeping it alive even in the ranges they inhabit they arent prolific so any harvesting is an impact. (most of this information was gleaned from an article in TFHmagazine written by Brian scott)
instead of the Eschmyer's scorpionfish i would just go with the wartskin frogfish. it is equally strange looking and might be cheaper and easier to take care of. i believe it to still be aggresive. i am just saying
if this is the devil fish you are speaking of i can see the interest behind it. in my opinion all angler and scorpion fish are the most interesting fish. i would hate to see the price tag on this fish.

hawk fish

about the Eschmyer's scorpionfish...they had one at a fish store in chicago for a while...1200$$ asking price it lived in a 10..for prob over a year but..they said they fed it damsels everyday..the price went to 1500 then the next week some one took it...crazy :scared: :scared:
the guy at the fish store told me he went to where ever the island that they are from..he had a snorkling tour guide for over 2 weeks and they only saw 1 little guy...
oh yeah the one at the fish store was red with the crazzzzist eyes ever!!!!
hawk :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


I personnaly have always wanted a cuttlefish. Sly, color changing death with an electrical charge. the sargasums, scorpions, and Rhinopias Eschmeyeri are SURE winners. The LFS I frequent ALWAYS have a Rhino (ALWAYS) and it is ALWAYS in its own tank, and feeding time is pretty sweet. I still would prefer a cuttlefish though. Get a Giant tank with LOTs of LR and then you can add live fish and give them a chance FOR A WHILE. 300 gallons or larger is ideal. PLUS you can still add corals, gorgonians, and anemones with clowns if you want. It will get everything else though. Post with further progression please.


Im casting my vote for my 7 month old Bimac octopus. I picked up some nice LR from a "friend" and got a 3" mantis in the process. The fight broke out before I even knew about the hitchhiker. I'll admit I panicked at first but Sla'neesh kicked a-- and had himself a nice meal. My only regret is NO camera within arms reach!!


Originally Posted by fish-man-t
mantis shrimp imo
I agree, and the best part is you can probably get one for free from anyone on this site that has one in their reef tank!
I would definitely take a mantis of anyone’s had no matter the time or place. That is something I will keep for sure one day. But a little to small for the tank I plan on. Plus I would hate to have 150 gallons of water all over my house when he broke the glass. When I get one I will put it in my acrylic tank I built a while back. I think I made it of 1/2" Lexan. It shouldn’t break without warning.

le titou

New Member
what about a trumpetfish, but i think they get too big for a 150...something like 20". Or a sea robin, cool fish. Get a walking batfish, i dont think that they are agressive but man are they cool!


Active Member
Mantis shrimp all the way. They can punch as fast as a .22 bullet. I think that says enough. :scared: lol Amazing creatures


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Mantis shrimp all the way. They can punch as fast as a .22 bullet. I think that says enough. :scared: lol Amazing creatures
Not to pick a fight but having the "speed of a .22" didn't help the poor guy in my Octopus tank. It was a shame though,would've lovedto save him and put him in the 'fuge (40 gallon acrylic) of my Octo tank. Could've called it my "Ultimate Predator" system.


Sorry guys..but no doubt...ounce for ounce..the meanest fish in the entire ocean is the steens dotty back...
The last Pseudochromis that I'll discuss rarely shows up in the hobby. P. steenei, also known as Steene's dottyback or Lyretail dottyback, is the most aggressive member of the family. Scott Michael has even proclaimed that P. steenei is, "ounce for ounce, the meanest fish in the sea."
Trust me I have one.....Cleaned my tank out in a week...but abeautiful little fish...
I have another post with a picture of him somewhere..check them out !!!!

They "eat" mantis shrimp!!!!!


Active Member
just random thought on the ounce for ounce thing. The ameoba is ounce for ounce the most aggressive creature on the planet bar none. crazy to think something so small could hold the world title in aggressiveness.
I love the dotty back, but I am looking for something that will attack and eat instead of just pick to death. Something that could take off my finger if I am not careful. The Hawaiian dragon eel is another favorite but I would hate to buy something that expensive due to the fact I know their limited in the wild. Something that can be prolific in the wild as well as maybe in captivity would be best.
i will definitely get this fish "walking batfish" if i dont go for an aggresive setup. this fish is very strange. i would hate to see the pricetag though :scared: thanks for the suggestion.



Active Member
Originally Posted by floatingfish
i will definitely get this fish "walking batfish" if i dont go for an aggresive setup. this fish is very strange. i would hate to see the pricetag though :scared: thanks for the suggestion.

now its not nice to post pics of ur mom