what's the 1st thing you wish you had known


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
What "live sand" does ***** sell that has little critters in it?
It's called "Nature's Ocean; bio-active live agronite"


Active Member
my live sand took about 2 days to settle... just give it time... also i had a really powerful pump and it just seemed to make it worse, so i unplugged it one night... and everything settled really well...
now, i wish i didnt get damsels :( not that they arent' cool... its just i wish i had got a different fish.. damsels just look pretty and swim back and forth... thats my only thing i wish i knew... id say ive gotten lucky with a pool water tester, cycling in one week with live rock/ sand, having two damsels and a clown and 2 snails and 1 hermit in a 10....


diane4 - I think what you have is called a "LFS" :hilarious

Ever think of putting a sign out front and putting prices on your tanks?

dxtr -


New Member
Hi Dexter, you made me laugh.
To friends on this forum, they understand and think it's great. To the other group of "normal people" they think I am nuts. I really do have wall to wall fish tanks. Yes, it is a lot of work, especially the types of fish I keep. Oscars, puffers etc. All messy eaters.
I love it. it is work, but I love my fish. Each tank has it's own decor, types of fish and relationships, it is so cool to watch. So full of personality. I love to watch the eyes and mind games that the fish play with each other.


I use a $12.00 twelve inch fan from Wal-Mart to blow a nice stream of air into my sump (drilled it out and screwed it into the side of the sand above the sump). I have an auto top off gadget from ---- that automatically fills my system with RO water when it evaporates. The fan helps speed this up and essentially gives me free water changes.


I wish my LFS would have told me what I really would have needed. Like a skimmer, LR, RO unit and other now obviouse things. Needless to say I am now very displeased with their services and will be taking my business elsewhere.


Originally Posted by nYgel
my live sand took about 2 days to settle... just give it time... also i had a really powerful pump and it just seemed to make it worse, so i unplugged it one night... and everything settled really well...
now, i wish i didnt get damsels :( not that they arent' cool... its just i wish i had got a different fish.. damsels just look pretty and swim back and forth... thats my only thing i wish i knew... id say ive gotten lucky with a pool water tester, cycling in one week with live rock/ sand, having two damsels and a clown and 2 snails and 1 hermit in a 10....
The sand did settle out nicely. :) Time to add some LR! Woo Hoo!!
and I 27th the notion that the LFS people don't know jack. I once saw a mantis shrimp in the display tank... (small 20L).. I told the guy that they had one in there and I pointed him out. Can you believe that the moron stuck his bare hand in there to actually grab him out?! I said "uh, you don't wanna do that... try a net maybe" Then I just walked away.. they're probably still trying to get him out. lol


Active Member
my lfs told me to get eheims!!!!he said that's what he uses...well guess what! he's not even doing a tank anymore.


New Member
Expensive and addicting. I was lucky enough to get SOME good advice from the beggining. here is the but, 1st buy a used aquarium you will save a ton of money. Second lckily I was told this buy RO unit. Third unfortunately was not told, when I was setting up for reef tank I was told to get pc lights, then later Ilearn have to have mh. Fourth trade coral frags. last everything is cheaper purchasing online. I have spent 12,000$$$$ so far on a 120g reef!!! I could have gotten away with 6 or 7k. Oh well se la vi !!!!


sleasia - I love Ehiem equipment, works well and it's made well. Is that why Fluval now offers a canister that is a rip off the design of the Eheim canisters 2250 and 2260? Or 2028 for that matter.


Active Member
Diane4...I shouldn't really knock the eheim wet dry cannisters. I used two, one on my 55 saltwater tank and one on my 55 goldfish tank. I could never get the saltwater fish to survive more than 4 or 5 months....but in retrospect, this was a time before I began using R/O water and a UV sterilizer...and a time when the lfs told me that a berlin airlift 60 skimmer would be "adequate" for the 55 gallon tank....and a time when I had alot less live rock in the tank...so there were alot of screwed up variables which likely were more responsible in the long run for this time of failure. I have to say the eheims ran continuously for three years, were easy to prime and clean.


I just learned that hydrometers suck. I lost my cleaner shrimp that I had for less than 2 days because of false readings. At least the LFS gave me a store credit for another cleaner shrimp because they sold me the hydrometer.


sleasia - I agree with you. I sure have had LOTS of mistakes I made or didn't realize or could have done better as I learned the ropes in Saltwater fish or reef keeping.
I have since setup a 50 gallon reef. Converted it to a 75 gallon. I have a 90 gallon fish only in operation and I am now in the process of converting my 120 gallon freshwater to saltwater. All of this has been over the past year or so.
I have learned so much.
I think, the place or source where I learned the most, was right here....on this forum. Even though some of us get testy with others, or insist our way is the only way, I find the majority of the folks on this forum truly care about their fish keeping hobby. If they didn't, they wouldn't be coming to this forum for research and to talk to others that have been there....done that.
I think the hardest lesson to learn is.....patience.


Active Member
Diane4, reeffreak9....When my boxfish anihilated my tank I was really ready to throw in the towel, then I came to this site....now everything is going smooth. All I do is clean the tank, mix up water, test stuff....Its a beautiful thing. And I'm glad I stuck it out.


I couldn't agree more.
It all is so complicated when you first start out, and you learn so much, FAST. Then after a while many things are old hat and it feels odd to see someone just starting out and feeling overwhelmed and the stuff they are stressing about is basic stuff to you.
But yet, I have so much to learn.
I get my new GF puffer within the next week. And a new Picasso Trigger. I am so excited.


WOW that is so cool sleasia. Would you like to get together sometime to visit. That would be cool. If your interested, email me please and also include your AOL instant message id if you are interested in swapping IM id's for chat or a quick question.


Active Member
Diane4 ...that would be great to get together. Do you have a reef tank? are there pics on this website somewhere? I am only doing fowlr and inverts for now because I do not as yet have good lighting. your profile does not allow email...here's my email