What's the best feeder fish?


I've been told the gold feeder fish are ALOT worst to feed to other fish than rosely reds. I heard that the gold feeder fish are nothing but fat and oil and stuff. And that the rosely reds are ALOT better to feed. BUT THEN TODAY I hear the TOTALY oppisit thing. I heard that the gold feeder fish are WAY better to feed to your fish and the rosely reds are really bad to feed your fish???????? what's up with that?


don't feed either goldfish or rosies. They both provide no nutritional value whatsoever.. but as for which is worse, goldfish are extremely dirty and gross... whoever told you that they are better than rosies didn't know what they were talking about.


:mad: Dam*it! I wanted to get an eel and a lion fish that would strickly eat live feeder fish! :mad: It looks sooooooo much cooler when you through a live fish in the tank rather than a flake!


They why does the pet stores sell " feeder fish " if you really shouldn't feed your fish them?

bang guy


Originally posted by DeJay
They why does the pet stores sell " feeder fish " if you really shouldn't feed your fish them?

They are fine for fresh water fish like Oscars.


The feeders are for freshwater fish, I.e. Clown Knifes, Oscars, Large Catfish, etc.


Cincy - What do you mean, do you feed your salt water fish feeder fish? And are you from cincy OH?


Active Member
That sure sounded like a little fish humor to me. Those feeders are so delicious. J/K.
You know that when you are reading a post sometimes things don't always sound the way that you type them. You know what I mean???


lionfish are boring to watch eat. eels,on the other hand are CRAZY. Who posted that video of the eels fighting over dinner?


Active Member
I posted the video!
Here's the link again. I'll serve it off my system for the next couple of days if you want to see it:
If you have trouble logging on, and you really, REALLY want to see it, email me, and I will send it to you. polarpooch@yahoo.com
I feed FW feeders to my eels for entertainment, not main sustinence. I usually feed squid, fresh shrimp, swordfish, fresh tuna, etc. to them for balance. But I keep a small tank of big goldfish because the carnage is so much fun to watch. :D
I don't know what to tell you about the lion fish--I hear they can be tough to get to feed frozen food...and damsels are very expensive.
There is a thread about "loading feeders". Do a search for it. I've done this. I did it for the first few months I had my bluespot ray. I would feed a few feeder fish chopped "whatever" soaked in selcon, let 'em get fat, and feed them to my ray. After a while, I think the ray got used to the taste of the loaded fish, and eventually began feeding on frozen food soaked in selcon (which is what I used to "load" the fish). Who knows if it works long term, but it could be a way to ease you into frozen if a fish will only accept live. Really, I did it out of desperation, because I had to find a way to get my ray off live food.


But I keep a small tank of big goldfish because the carnage is so much fun to watch.
Nice to see I'm not the only one that enjoys this.


Active Member
Me Too !!!
If I wanted a tank full of "Butterflys"and "Fairy's (wrasse) I would go out to the garden with my net...