I posted the video!
Here's the link again. I'll serve it off my system for the next couple of days if you want to see it:
If you have trouble logging on, and you really, REALLY want to see it, email me, and I will send it to you.
I feed FW feeders to my eels for entertainment, not main sustinence. I usually feed squid, fresh shrimp, swordfish, fresh tuna, etc. to them for balance. But I keep a small tank of big goldfish because the carnage is so much fun to watch.
I don't know what to tell you about the lion fish--I hear they can be tough to get to feed frozen food...and damsels are very expensive.
There is a thread about "loading feeders". Do a search for it. I've done this. I did it for the first few months I had my bluespot ray. I would feed a few feeder fish chopped "whatever" soaked in selcon, let 'em get fat, and feed them to my ray. After a while, I think the ray got used to the taste of the loaded fish, and eventually began feeding on frozen food soaked in selcon (which is what I used to "load" the fish). Who knows if it works long term, but it could be a way to ease you into frozen if a fish will only accept live. Really, I did it out of desperation, because I had to find a way to get my ray off live food.