New Member
i would like some opionions/facts on what the best fish to start out with is. Eventually i would like a mandarin... but ill prolly have to get a bigger tank to do that. i have a ten gallon all glass aquarium and its pretty much junk but its fun to play with and its my FIRST SALTWATER TANK EVER! its so cool but i have no live rock and no live sand but i do have crushed coral
and its temp is fairly constant and alll i would like to know is what fish to start out with. even though it hasnt cycled or even cleard up all the way yet but im so excited my mom has past expeirences with many tanks and she's a big help but she has been contradicting you guys so much and im not really sure what to do im getting live rock and a biowheel tommorow.when it comes time to get a fish i would like to know what to get.?