What's the best food for mushroom polyps?


So I'm kind of new and I decided to start out with the easy corals and then work my way up if the easy ones go well.
My question is what is the best thing to feed them? I have something (DT natural reef diet) from the LFS but is that all that they need/good enough?

Also, I was wondering what the best time is to feed them since I hear many corals like to eat at night? :notsure:


Active Member
they will get most of what they need from the lights and the water. i do spot feed some of my mushrooms, but not all of them will actually eat what i feed them.
to spot feed them, you basically take a meaty chunk of something like a scallop or piece of shrimp and place it on the mushroom(i usually do this as soon as i turn the lights off for the night.) the mushroom will usually form like a tent around it and absorb nutrients from it and then release it when its done. you just have to use really small pieces (like half of your pinky nail imo) and make sure that if he doesnt eat it, you take it our of the tank or it could rot. or you can just push it towrds some hermits and they should take care of it.
and you dont have to spot feed them, i only spot feed a few of mine, theyll do fine without it.


Active Member
The DT products as well as the other fine particulate feeds do more at messing up the water than they do at furnishing shrooms and lots of other corals any nourishment. Just spot feed the shrooms with pelleted fish food or a meaty piece of shrimp or silversides etc. As stated earlier all will not feed, but most will, and even if yu do not spot / selective feed, they will get what they need out of the lights and water changes and from particles of food when yu feed the fish.


New Member
I have never spot fed. I use Seachem Stronium and Reef Plus for suplements I just follow the recomended dosage.The shrooms I have respond quite well to the Stronium. I have two types of red and green striped. I have cut the heads off and they seem to heal them selves in about a week. I have a couple of green that are about 2 1/2 inches most of the time the day after I add Stronium they get about 4" almost that big with Reef plus


the only mushrooms I spot feed are my hairy and carpet, the others, from my experiance, get what they need from the light and water.