What's the best hang-on skimmer ever?


This will be used on a 55gal. FOWLR. In the future I will attempt a reef setup.
I want the best hang-on skimmer I can find. The price of the skimmer does not matter.
I would try and do a sump setup but I don't think I could do it right from what I've read so I need the convenience of a hang-on.


What I've read thus far makes it sound harder than I thought it was going to be. I'm terrified of having gallons of water overflow onto to the floor.
Am I just making this harder than it really is?


I'll admit that the sump instructions that I got with mine were a joke.... there seem to be no useful books on a sump (at least that I've seen) but at the same time if you have the time and patience, it is worth it.
My friend and I joke that we'd make a fortune if we'd write a good sump book, but that's another story... ;)
Anyway... if you have a good LFS that doesn't mind questions (or you looking under their tanks at their sumps, like I have!) , and you don't mind a lot of tinkering, then go for a sump.
I've learned so much from mine over the past few months and I learn little things at least once a week.


Much harder! Get an amiracle overflow...even with a power outage they don't lose their siphon so when the power comes back, they are fine. I've heard the CPR's lose siphon and they are more expensive. run a tube into the sump...get at least a 15 gallon for a 55 tank. Then run a pump back up to the main tank. Piece of cake.


I have an Excalibur hang-on skimmer. I'm not sure if it is the best or not but it certainly pulls out a lot of scrap. A lot of people use the CBP Bak Pak (or something like that)
Nevertheless, I would recommend a sump. You're tank is not that large so you could use the additional volume the sump provides. Besides, if you haven't set the tank up yet. You can go to a LFS and they can drill (overflow) holes in your tank (or even install a complete overflow system). And really, making a sump is not that hard. Just be well-prepared.
I started with just a hang-on. After getting into this hobby (and learned more about it), I decided to go for a sump and hide all the equipment in there instead of having them in the display tank. Remember, the hang-on skimmer comes with a huge box (very visible in your tank). As you'll see in signature, I have the hang-on currently placed in the sump. It works but I would have preferred having a "real" sump-protein skimmer.


You read my mind Oceanjumper. I was wondering who could drill the tank for me if I tried this sump thing.
I heard that the some of those hang-on overflow boxes tend to be accident prone. So if I attempt a sump setup I will do the drill method for overflow.
I may buy a 20gal. and use it as the sump. What diameter of PVC would I need to do the plumbing or will my LFS help with all this?


If you can get it drilled...do it. If not, the amiracle overflow is fine...I shut my system down to do water changes...never has a problem starting right back up.


Best hang on skimmer ever? hmmmmm my guess is that, much like computers, it's the one that's announced the day after the "no questions asked exchange policy period" ends on whatever one I buy :eek:


I would inquire at a couple of your LFS. One drills holes for $12/ea, the other $25. See, big difference.
I use an external overflow box. Again, b/c the tank was already setup I had no choice.... You, on the other hand, can still chose.
There are two types of drilled holes: the ones in the back and the ones in the bottom. I am not sure which one are better. If possible, I think I would prefer holes in the bottom of the tank and make two small overflow chambers in each back corner of your tank. My LFS can do that for me in the store.
As far as external overflow boxes being prone to accidents. May be. I don't know. I think as long as your flow is strong enough to keep the U-tube free of air you will be fine.
1' pipes are good (for drain). I think most of us use those with "normal" sized tanks. I have a 5/8 ID return line with a CAP 2200 (T-ed to the refugium that receives a slow amount of the returned water)


I read some reviews on that model and they say it's top of line as far as the "hang-on" skimmers go!
I would get one but it's not very hidden. If I do hang-on instead of sump I'd like to have it a little more low profile. Great suggestion though! Thanks Richard.
Man this hobby can be overwhelming with all of the different options available!


New Member
I'd say your next best hang-on skimmer choice would be an aqua-c Remora Pro. It's thin and more hidden behind the tank.
You will of course have the best selection of skimmers in the sump only category. Going with an amiracle(or similar U-tube) overflow really isn't that dangerous of a way to run a sump, can try it out anyway. I think you can get them for around $40 online.


For the money, get a Seaclone. Can't beat the price and it works fine for what you have. You don't need a super powerful skimmer for a little 55gal.


I am a strong believer in buy the best you can afford. Upgrading later $ucks! I have a Turboflotor 1000 in a sump on my 55. Might be overkill, but I don't have to empty the cup often and I won't need to buy a new one if I upgrade to a bigger tank.