Whats the BEST HOB Skimmer?


Active Member
I have a Red Sea Prism Deluxe. It skims pretty good but I wanna get my water as prestine as possible. Suggestions?


Active Member
Wow, not the answer I was looking for. LOL, if its a good skimmer though wouldn't it take out what it needs to? I think my water could definatly get skimmed more.


Active Member
You can skim amazing amounts out of the common tank. Key is to remove bio toxin and contaminates but trace elements can also get skimmed out too. You get a feel for your tank after a while. It becomes like sonar and you can tell by looking that the inhabitants arent happy.
If they ARE happy then dont let the amount of skimate dictate what defines a good skimmer from a poor one. if you rlooking to remove particulate perhaps a bit of carbon or a filtersock for a few hours once every few weeks. This should give you the crystal clear look without losing the important things.
JMO but remeber I also run a seaclone, so go figure


To answer your question with no extras. I don't think its the best but great for the price and performance. AquaC Remora. There are 3 different sizes.