Me personally I agree with broomer...i have used Instant Ocean, CORALIFE, Reef Crystals, and now I am using Crystal Sea Marine Mix....and I have not had any change in my tank other than a Calcium change but other than that everything is doing great and has been.....I think some may have a little more of some elements then others but I don't see any reason why anyone should change just b/c someone makes a suggestion that they think something sucks!!
Hi. It's been asked, but not answered... can you switch easily? I've only used CL. One of my LFS' have IO, so can I just start using the IO with no ill effects?
I have changed brands for the past four bags and I have not seen one adverse I say go for it if you want to change.....but just don't change b/c ppl on this MB say that Coralife it b/c its what you want!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
Thanks. I usually do not ever change something based on one site or opinion - I usually weigh a lot of opinions, do some reading and go with my gut. I'm considering the change because of previous posts and the number of people who stand by it.
Thanks again for info i just was'nt sure if everyone used reef crysals, I used to use instant ocean but i started to use coral life just wondering if there was some special salt with more trace elements