whats the best size tank for a shark


whats the absolute best size tank for a shark to move around and not feel cramped in. I have heard 200 is the mininum size tank for sharks but i'm not to sure.


Active Member
Absolute best size? Sure that is your question? :D 100,000g +!
Minimum, IMO, for most is about 200g - but that is depending on the shark. I would say for things like bamboo and other cat sharks that aren't active swimmers, that is what you are looking at. What sharks are you thinking of?


Active Member
from every site i have read all state that the minimum tank requirments for sharks ans rays starts at 300 gal they go up by types.


Active Member
well what i read in my fish book it states 180 gal tank min for bamboo shark. whitespotted bamboo max length is 37.4 in (95 cm )
brown banded bamboo shark max length 40.9 in (104 cm) hope this helps


i plan on building a 220 gallon tank this summer for my basement. I plan on putting in live sand and a bamboo shark and maybe a couple rocks but i was just wondering if i should stay with the 220 or make the tank bigger. i want to get the most information as possible. better to be positive than to guess



Originally posted by hughes07
i plan on building a 220 gallon tank this summer for my basement. I plan on putting in live sand and a bamboo shark and maybe a couple rocks but i was just wondering if i should stay with the 220 or make the tank bigger. i want to get the most information as possible. better to be positive than to guess

Well i would say to Build at least a 300 gallon tank that way u could hjave more than 1 fish in yur tank. Maybe a shark and a ray or two and a lionfish


the space where the tank is going has a big part to.. i would fit the MAXIMUM sized tank in the space provided. 8'x3' is a good size.. i would go bigger if you can... 300+ like 10x4x2 that would be sweet!! good luck