whats the best skimmer?

well what is it? name the price, amount of gallons it is for, what kind of tank you have, FO, reef etc. and what kind it is.

mr . salty

Active Member
I got my dream skimmer.It's on my 130 gallon FOWLR&LS With inverts.A CPR SR9.It is rated for up to 300 gallons.It's just shy of three feet tall,six inches in diameter.Uses a RIO 1700 pump(that is soon to be replaced).Skims like crazy.It is usually the first thing people who see tank ask about.(What the hell is that thing)
Mr Salty, the SR9 says its rated for up to 600g. Don't you think you might overskim on a 130g tank? The SR6 is rated for 300g.


aqua c ev-200 works great (up to 300 gallons)
does not need a big pump
pulls out some of the nastest smeeling stuff i have ever smelled in my 8-9 years of salt water
the also have a ev-90,ev-150 depending on what size is good for you

mr . salty

Active Member
Originally posted by SaltwaterKid:
<STRONG>Mr Salty, the SR9 says its rated for up to 600g. Don't you think you might overskim on a 130g tank? The SR6 is rated for 300g.</STRONG>
OOP'S,Your right it is 600.But I am not worried.It's been running since december,and the tank looks GREAT. I do add trace element suppliments weekly(small doses).


60 gal FOWLR an DSB,I use a prizm its for up to 90 gal it works great and it only cost me $69,and its not as noisy as others skimmers.


most skimmers are overrated . euroreef,aerofoamer,bullets have close ratings but ime its hard to overskim a tank with fish and that is feed. especially when a skimmer uses a small pump. a 4' skimmer on a 10g tank maybe.


New Member
In my 50 gallon reef I use a AquaC Urchin Pro Its the same as the remora Pro but for in sum apps. it works really great it's rated for tanks up to 125 gallons. If you need something bigger Thier EV series of skimmers are good too.