what's the best way to add more angels

I currently have a 6" passer and a 5" imperator(juv) in my 420. I would ultimately like to add 3 more (majestic, flagfin, maybe regal). My last attempt to add a regal did not go well (passer roughed it up but good)
How should I procede:
1) get rid of the passer, he'll never tolerate additional angels
2) add 3 newcomers at once and hope for the best.
3) add 3 newcomers, while putting passer in sump for a couple of weeks, then reintroduce him.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help.


Maybe take your current 2 angels out and put them in a QT for a week while rearranging your LR. Then introduce all your fish at once.
Also I was told that keeping a schooling fishs in your tank keeps aggression down. It actually makes the tank busy and helps keep the fish from fixating on eachother.


Moving the rock also has helpt me or adding more angels to the mix. Do not know if the chromis would help becouse the angels will not go after them it is better to add more angels now than the chromis. They will not try to dominate them. When many angels are added they dont have a choice on who to pick on they are too busey watching there own back.