Whats the best way to QT a Queen & Emperor Angel-? Medication-?



Hello, I was just wondering what is the best remedy to QT a Queen and Emperor angel in a 55 gal. I heard Prazi- Pro is good, any other opinions -? Thanks


Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Hello, I was just wondering what is the best remedy to QT a Queen and Emperor angel in a 55 gal. I heard Prazi- Pro is good, any other opinions -? Thanks
Is the fish new or are you treating something?

crypt keeper

Active Member
First off. get a divider. These are the two more aggressive angels. In a 55 for 4 weeks doesnt sound good to me. They may fight they may not. Split the tank in half with the egg crate stuff from Home depot. That way they can see each other but not cause harm. This may actually settle them down once in the main tank. Make sure your water qaulity is pristine in this tank. water changes every two days. Test Test Test!. Get them eating first. Prazi pro will lower their drive to eat. This isnt good in a stressed out fish. IMO I wouldnt treat anything. I would get them eating those NLS E pellets. The ones for internal parasites. Bad water will cause HLLE very fast in an angel. You dont want this. Once they are eating like monsters, this shouldnt take long, then start to look for signs. Stare at them for a few minutes. Look up what flukes symptons are. This will kill a fish very fast.
Also dont take this personal but your tank is having issues. You lost your golden puffer and now your tusk isnt doing great. Maybe in the next 4 weeks you can figure it out before adding these two. Personally I would add about 75 pounds of live rock. Good big pieces and make caves. Get in the habit of weekly water changes to lower trates. This will keep water qaulity where it should be and help cause less stress on the fish.


I agree. Personally I would let the tank stabilize before adding any new fish. Once everything is good in the tank, wait a few months, then add more fish.


Hey Crypt ! Both Angels are doing fine, they are separated by the eggcrate. But you are right about the water changes. I would need to do a water change everyday. I also test the water everyday,and its like every other day, I get an Ammonia and Nitrite reading. Wow its hard keeping that QT in order ! Thanks for the concerns Pete. I am pretty sure the high temps messed up my tank. About the Angels in the QT, should I feed every other day -?


I'll have some pics up soon. Maybe I should move this thread to Aggresive -?

crypt keeper

Active Member
How big are they? I would buy a new test kit. Just get the ammonia kit and trite kit. If there is trites and ammonia you run a high risk of losing these fish. Are you using RO Water? I would do 25 gallon changes everyday. uck up any left over food.