Whats the best way


I'm using some purple up, to help with my calcium. I'm at 320 now, trying to get it up to 400, it was 240 when I started. I cant remember which way was what...when you use baking soda to raise and lower your ph, how do you use it. When you bake it, does it make it higher, or lower. I cant remember. Also, what is the best way to keep everything the same all the time. Alk, Cal, Ph....What do you do everyday?


Active Member
We are actually testing the baking soda theory out as you posted this. A lot of websites contradict each other so I did my own experiment and found that it lowers it slightly at low doses, but raises it back up in high doses. Someone talked to MOTE Marine Aquarium in FL and they are going to test it and let us know their results shortly. If you want to lower your pH, I would suggest aeration as the best method for a suppliment. I have an expansion tube in my sump that puts out a high amount of bubbles (works kind of like a protein skimmer) and that keeps my pH pretty well regulated. Also, seltzer water will lower your pH as it is just CO2. They sell buffers that will bring your pH to an exact number as long as you follow the directions, you might give that a try.
Also with baking soda you need to test for ALK because it will dramatically increase your ALK levels for a short period of time (I would assume a couple days?).


I have a 30 gallon tank, no sump...I have a skillter...what do you mean by the expansion tube? When you use the baking soda, do you have to bake it first to raise it...and normal to lower it?


Active Member
You dont have to bake it, you just put it in your top off water or something like that. From my experiment, I found that in low amounts, baking soda will lower the pH, and in higher amounts it will actually buffer the pH like it should (as in no change). My expansion tube is a tube that the water fre flows through (there is a hole at the top of the water, and one at the bottom of the tank on the back wall) and there is an aerator (it is actually a high output air pump) that forces air into the chamber (and the water in the chamber) and causes the water to have an increased amount of both oxygen and carbon dioxide. This will lower your pH, because more CO2 causes your pH to drop. You dont have to have the expansion tube, its just something I built in order to aerate the water without getting microbubbles.


What a good idea. I'll have to try and rig somthing up. I'm still trying to get my cal where I want it to be. Its around 320 now, and my alk is 12. So When I get my cal around 400 my alk should drop to around 9. Then I'll try and get a 2 part dosing kit. Thanks for you help man.