What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?


Active Member
mine was a bright red lobster I found him when i upgraded my reef he had been in my tank a full yr before i found him ol


Active Member
i think i found a better pic of the crab i have.. someone else has one and took pics.. this is how he looks anyways.. as far as i can tell till he comes way out in the open for me.


I have this green thing growing on my LR. I no idea what it is.
It was very small month ago or so, (size of the pea) so I thought its some type of coraline algae. But now its about 2 inches in diameter, and its not soft. Its hard, like a hard coral. But surely coral does not grow that fast in in new tank?

Anybody knows what it is?


New Member
The jellyfish Reeffer was mentioning:

Some kind of Cassiopeia
. Don't know which species. The population bloomed to a few dozen, now it has stabilized at about six or eight individuals.


Mine was an eel. A snowflake eel. I guess he was in the rock. I noticed something swimming around one night and then I looked closer and what do you know.


Bright red feather duster on a piece of lr. The tube is about the size on a pen insert and the crown is about 1/2" dia.


New Member
I just purchased a birds nest coral that has a coral crab, black clown goby and a pistol shrimp all hiding in the middle of it. I'm still waiting for them to come out where I can see them better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SFE
I once got a SFE in 35lbs of Liverock. He was stuck in the rock
im sorry, but that is soooo cooooooool!


Originally Posted by fishieness
im sorry, but that is soooo cooooooool!
Well he lived so thats good. He is doing great in my tank. Has alread fed 3 times and loves to dig holes under rocks. :happyfish


New Member
I recently bought a purple pipe organ coral... and noticed a very small (1/2") fish what looks like a scooter blenny darting aroung the coral and rocks.


I just recently found a clam in my tank, it emerged from the live rock i guess, cause i never bought any clams, it was so cool, it looks like a sunflower seed, but know it went back into one the rocks or one 0f the fish ate it, hope i see it again,


our first tank we found a baby urchin it was about the size of a pea after 7 months now its about the size of a fifty cent piece oh and our new 75 gal 2 clams


i got a whole bunch of tiny baby snails! lol. oh and this crab i have not yet seen... just some partial molts, but he appears to be orange and white.
and of course several little feather dusters, some nifty worm in a piece of rock that i'm not sure if he's still alive. oh and my stomatella that died.
i guess the mystery crab is my fave, he's got to be so colorful! i hope i get to see him soon. lol


I have a big colony of bristleworms, this white transparent sponge thing that multiplied and now I have about 70 mini ones on my lr. I have also found some starfish and snails, nothing to crazy.