What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?



Sea Urchin, it was the size of a qtip when I first found it, and now that I'm looking at the picture the gorgonian (i think). Not sure what it is but I've had it about 1 1/2 year,


where are you guys getting this rock that has these cool things on it....i have had my rock for 6 weeks and dont see anything.....how long does it take for things to start "showing up"


Active Member
i cant even count all of my hitchhikers
but i do love my baby white crabs i have like 4 of them living in a little colony in my tank there SOOO cute and awesome like a little village! also i love this pink worm that lives in the sand and surfaces every so often. also i have this rock that is totally covered with little red-orange feather dusters you cant see one little speck of the rock. i also love my stomatella(SP?) snails :joy:


New Member
I have had a mantis shrimp in the past - found at night with a flashlight with red lens cover - after I noticed very stressed fish, feather duster heads cut, etc. Currently, I have (so far) found several varieties of small snails, a chiton, aiptasia, very small feather dusters and other types of weird worms, bristleworms, small asterina starfish, and some weird, white, cottony - spongy looking stuff growing on the LR. This spongy stuff is very brittle and breaks easily, but seems to grow back. Anyone know what it might be?


New Member
I was doing my nightly feeding when I saw a hole in my lr that i had never seen before, i looked closer and saw this thing cautiously peeking from the hole, little bugger is so quick i think out of about 50 pictures I took this is the best. Does anyone know what it is? I also found it has a trap door it closes behind itself at the opening. i hope its nothing bad, kinda addicting to watch. having problems uploading pic, its head is about the size of an eraser and face kinda like a lobster without antennae and rusty in color. any help would be great


i brought back 10lb of lr from a trip to the florida keys and in my tank one day i found a tiny octopus!!! i gave it to a really awsome lfs cause i couldnt keep it. The lr also had a sargent major(how it survived
), 5-6 brittle stars, 1 small (like dime sized) rock urchin, and 3 emerald crabs!
I was so happy to see them all just appear. Thats what i get for collecting my own lr lol


I found something really cool...... dont know what it is but maybe you do... This thing is really small and looks like a tiny snail without a shell its brown and has bright red or orange eyes two of them.. by my green mushroom coral I bought.... on the same live rock I wish I could take a pic.... its tiny however...any guess??????


I got pink star polips, they were given to me instead of live rock. I asked the guy for 10 lb and he put a frag in with it, didnt know till I got home. Also got a small crab.


This morning when I looked in my tank I noticed a small orangish starfish on my glass. I have no clue where he cam from or how he got there but is it okay that he is there. I have LR and LS and a BUNCH of hair algee and a hermit crab (other 9 died). And that is it. Tank has been sittting for about 6 months with out me touching or feeding anything.
Anyone else ever seen this???


i have tons of little feather dusters, i have found a brown and white snail and then a week later i found a pink and white snail...not sure if they are good or bad. I have a handful of long transparent things that are like 3 inches long that swing around like its feeling for stuff..and tonight i found a little white thing...he looks like a shrimp, he floats around and curls up to land back on the bottom..its funny to watch.


Active Member
Dont know if this counts as a hitch hiker. We had a customer in Hilo Hawaii, just hardgoods. The owner went diving and got his own rock and made a huge reef tank in 1949. When he diedd the son shipped us the stuff out of that tank and we'll called the balance even. The boss just let us have whatever we wanted.
Anyways, I had all this amazing rock for about a month. All of a sudden the top half of the biggest one flipped open and the whole thing was a clam. Instead of having a clam growing on a rock, I had a rock growing on a clam.
It also had these things that looked just like fishing line that would shoot out of the rock and drag on the bottom collecting debris. then it would just reel back in. I never saw what was on the other end. does anybody know what that was?