Whats the deal

andrew alexander

New Member
I have been watching the posts on this board for some time now and have been gathering info on many subjects. But I feel the need to give an opinion.
It seems that the members of this board are a bit closed minded on certain subjects.
Take Crushed coral substrate. I have been using it since the inception of my tank 4 years ago. I have never in this time had a nitrate, nitrite or ammonia problem. The only bad part of it is that it does not contribute to keeping the calcium levels up. So I added about 30 lbs. of Argonite gravel. I only vaccuum the substrate about once a month and do not have a problem with diatoms or slime. I beleive that I have attained a living substrate that has made a wonderful nitrogen cycle. I can take the flashlight at night and see many macro creatures such as tiny worms, crustacians, etc. moving through the substrate.
Just to let you know how well my substrate cycles, I recently bought a house and had to move this tank. I had know Idea what a monster a 55 gallon tank was since I had not moved it in over 3 and a half years. After packing half of the water, corals, creatures etc. I put the substrate into a separate container just covered with salt water and commenced moving. Got to the new house and set everything up. I waited and waited for the ammonia to go sky high and the nitrates to go through the roof.
Test kit in hand, I waited.
The cycle never came. It's been 2 months, and everything is still alive. Water parameters have stayed constant.
Well, got that off my chest.


Staff member
Well, I don't know that "closed minded" is the best assessment in regards to the preference most hobbyist have to using sand beds over CC. Sand beds are a more natural medium, closer to reef environment than CC. You, in fact, mentioned in your post one of the key reasons most members here advocate for sand--you vacuum your substrate, whereas people using sand beds, in combination with detrivores, do not have to do this chore. Even though you have invertebrate detrivores in your substrate, you still need to vacuum--hobbyist using your same setup, only with sand beds, do not have to vacuum. If you weren't diligent about vacuuming, you would soon see a significant rise in nitrates.
Additionally, sand beds have much smaller grain size which makes it superior in terms of bacteria colonization.
What type of setup do you have, if you don't mind my asking, and how old is it? Is it reef or FO, reef in combination with fish?
Bottom line is, that people coming here are always expressing their hobby opinions and preferences; I think what you are getting from members on this BB is that the majority prefer to use sand over CC--which is, BTW, the best choice accepted generally in the hobby. That said, there's nothing wrong with anyone using CC if they prefer it.

c marlowe

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!! More power to you! Sometimes making changes to a perfectly running tank because the "experts" told you it had to be done, will cause more problems then if you had just left it alone.
[ June 24, 2001: Message edited by: C Marlowe ]

mr . salty

Active Member
I agree.If it is working good for you,leave it alone.But if you were asking me if you should change it ,,,I would tell you YES.I personally believe that a good sand bed is FAR superior to CC.I HAD a CC substrate,Now it is sand.I KNOW my tank is much better off now...


Active Member
I use both mediums right now and I can say for sure that aragonite gravel is superior.
The fact that it can assist calcium makes it superior without discussing any other of its benefits.
How long ago did you add the LS to the tank?


Active Member
Hey times change and new ideas pop up. Take UG filters used to be the in thing now they are considered ancient history. I agree with using CC but that is because I am used to it and can not say it caused me problems. That is not to say that LS is not a better way to go now. I think if I was setting up another tank (lord no won't do anymore have enough) I would probably give LS a try just from the info I have seen here. But then that is what this board is all about- new ideas and experienced help to others.