what's the difference?

I'm going to order some live sand from this site and I was browsing and I saw that a 20lb. box of Premium Florida Keys l/s is $54.99 and a 20lb. box of Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ arogonite- l/s is $39.99. What's the difference besides the prices and which one is best for me I'm going to seed my sand that's in the tank right now.
It's a 125gal with about 2 3/4" to 3" of sand in it. How much do you think I would need?
not for nothin' puffer...but I have always used nature's ocean...and I find many of the experienced use it as well...but hey everyone has their own opinion...the general rule for seeding sand with l/s is 10%...of course you could go over but I have never gone under 10% of my original count!!!