What's the difference?


New Member
What is the difference from a hospital tank and a QT? and why do i need one? well, i kinda know why but what all do i need to do to it?


Active Member
a wuarentine tank is a tank used to quarentine fish before adding to the main display. and hospital tank is one set up in a hurry just to treat sick or infected fish, without the need to add meds to the main tank.
as for set up, in most caases, a cheap package from wal mart will do, for about 50$ you can have it all. you need a cheap filter and circulation, heater and something for shelter and bacteria(pvc pipe works well). lighing is minimal, in fact your rooms lighting is generally adequate enough


Active Member
A QT should be used for new fish you buy, just to monitor them before adding to your main tank. That way if anything should happen, it dont affect your main tank and all other fish.
A hospital tank is for any fish that gets sick fish in your MAIN tank, but if you QT all new fish you should never need the Hospital tank.
Basically the same tank, just depends on the situation (is it a new fish, or a sick fish in the main tank?)
In your Qt/Hospital tank, it just needs to minimal---some pvc pipe (to hid in), a heater (if needed), a filter, etc. I only have a filter, some fake rock (instead of pvc pipe), and a heater.
I learned the hard way, even though a fish may look healthy for weeks at the LFS, it still is a good idea (though it sucks) to QT. HTH


You stated that in a HT you need something for "shelter and bacteria". Does pvc really create a surface for bacteria? I thought a lot of bacteria would be killed during treatment with certain meds. Yes? No?
I thought the idea of a HT was to have it available in an emergency situation and that it might not necessarily be up and running all the time.
Just wondering as I'm still learning a lot too!!


Active Member
i thought i did mention ready to set up if needed or something like that
as for the bacteria, you need it in any tank, and any surface are will house the bacteria that we want to have. and yes some may be killed wiht the meds


When you put your fish in the q tank dont you alos lower the salinity to say 1.009 then back up to say 1.023 and let the fish stay in the lower salinity level for a month beofre raising it back up? Or do you just put him in the q tank to monitor it? Aslo you have to have a refractormeter for this right?
Also, I was just thinking that if you had a 10 gal. tank that you used for your q tank and you bought a tang and put him in there for a month that would stress it out?
I have a 55 gal. tank. I do not plan on getting a tang. I would like to but know not to. I was just mentioning this because it seems to me that this would stress some fish. I guess I am just worried about droping the salinity for a month. :D


Active Member
hm, actually alot of people use cycle or tank water and tank filters from the main tank, but I could not say for sure, i have no experience with ht's, never needed one yet


New Member
Well, the first reply made it look pretty easy but that second to last one (jcsurfn) Brings up good points. How am i to tell if my fish is okay if he is freaking out to low salinity??? And what should my reading be for a QT? Just starting out....can you tell!!!! Thanks for the help


Active Member
you do need a refractometer for hyposalinity, it must be 1.009 or less, this is crucial. And a refractometer is a much more accurate tool. It should be at about 1.020 to 1.025 and then gradually reduced over 2 days.
The fish will NOT stress from hypo, in fact it makes it easyier for them, so if anyhting they will be more comfortable.


How low can the salinity go without hurting the fish? You said 1.009 or lower so how much lower can you go?
Also then you want to raise it back up to watever you main tank is right? Say you main tank is 1.023 then raise it back up to that after a month and you can put the fish in right?
Thank You


Active Member
I would not go any lower than 1.009, and you would want to bring this down gradually, and then back up gradually.


New Member
but what about all the other readings like what do i want the temp at and do all the other rules apply to this tank as well like ammonia and nirate and nitrite????.....also....i should use water from my tank correct??? So it's already at 1.023....i want to bring it to 1.009 and then back up to 1.023....all while the fish is in there??? or do i start with 1.009????


Well I do know that you want to start out at say 1.023 then bring it down to 1.009 over 48 hours. Then keep the fish in there at the reading for a month. Then bring it back up to say 1.023 over 48 hours. This is what I have learned.
As far as temp. goes you should match what your main tank is. Also the ammonia should be 0 for sure. The ph I would belive to be that same as your main tank. Then nitrits and nitrats as close to 0 as possible.
I hope some else can confirm this for you. As I am still learning about this. I have rad quit a few post but have yet to do it. i plan on doing the q tank with my next new fish.
I also have a question. I read that some put a cleaner shrimp in there q tank. Should you do this? What about hermit crabs? I did not think you could put inverts in a q tank?


New Member
that's another good point.....inverts (i didn't think) could be put in the qt as long as you have put copper in the tank, i heard that once you put that in there....you can never have inverts in that tank no matter how much you clean it.....thatnks for the readings....i figured that they had to match my tank but i just wasn't sure on how long they needed to be lower...!!!! Also, is it possible to just give my fish a freshwater dip/bath and then put them in my main tank???? or is that not a good idea??? thanks alot


I know my lfs recommended that but then again I almost do everything the oposit of what they say. :D I had actually asked this question because of my lfs saying to do this. I did not like the sound of it. I liked that it did not take as long of course. :D It really seems to me that it is a good way to really stress your fish out. I would go for the q tank. I think it is a much better solution.


My lfs said that they don't even worry about any kind of medications for parisites.....just do a 1-2 minute dip and that WILL do the job right. So, i did it to my damsels and they seemed ok....only one of the three started to show stress but thats when i took him out and he's fine now


Active Member
quarentine with hypo, taht is what is bes, fw dips may seem to work, biut it is stressful on the fish and no guarentee. it often does work, but not 100% and the one time it does not, you wind up wiht ick in the tank, then what do you do? quarentine and hypo them all