Whats the Diffrence between a sump and a fuge?


Hello all!! I want to know the diffrence between a sump and a fuge aswell as what they are to begin with!! I know that they play a roll in the stability of the water quality but i just dont know any details. Anyone that can help out will be much appreciated. Maybe ya'll can come up with pics and or links for examples ect. Thanks Alot!


Active Member
a sump is to hold epuipment liek skimmer heaters filter thermometers, and a fuge is to grow macroalgea which help get rid of bad stuff in the water


can you keep fish in your sump such as damsels or clown fish or any other kind of fish


hey can anyone explain to me how to impliment a fuge? Maybe like a 10g fuge for a 10g nano or so? Pictures are appreciated!


sumps are usually hidden, so putting a fish in there isnt very worthwhile on both sides
fuge (refugium) can be very interesting where hundreds of different animals thrive without dangers of being eaten in the display tank
where do you want to keep your refugium?
you will need a way to get water from the display to the fuge, overflow devices are the most popular because no pumps are involved and in the case of a power outage water wont be siphoned all over the floor
a pump will need to be used to get water from the fuge back to the display tank, however


do you know of any websites or stores that maybe sell 10 gallons with built in overflows and fuge ready?


very doubtful you'll find a pre-made 10 gallon
do a google search and see how other people have constructed theirs


i have a 55 refuge under my 185. Instead of bioball like a sump it has live rock since they serve the same purpose...With it i havelots of green leefy plants,sandbed of course,made of "Miracle Mud"(google it)mangrove, and seahorses and clams.... all the stuff not really seen in a normal reef tank. It also servers as a small breeder tank for thing like my pepement shrimp and other things... It creates enough copepos to feed my manderins in the main tank with food and enough plankton to feed the reef also... It totally keepsthe price of those trace elements down if done right... It stops you from having to buy so many additives like dts and ect since i am growing the real live stuff down there also...Its cheaper and more effective fiiltration system that most are used tooo.i did alot of research and was lucky enough to have a friend that is an expert in the field to teach me the CHEAPER AND BETTER AND MORE NATURAL WAY OUT:)


Active Member
I had a 10g refuge under my 10g display, mainly to see if I could do it. But what i found is that keeping two ocellaris (and a purple firefish for a while), it really wasn't needed. Let's face it, a 10g nano basically IS IT'S OWN REFUGE. You'll have, what, 20+lbs of LR and 20lbs of live sand in a 10g?........what i concluded, besides the way I set up the refuge filtering down from an AC 150 and returning with a regulated PH was assinine, was that there was no beneficial effect of having a 10g refuge under a 10g tank. Prior to hooking up the system, i had no measurable nitrates, nitrites, or ammonia.....and after, I saw no sign of possitive effect on my LPS. I believe the REAL furthering of nanos will be in the design and build of skimmers accomodating 10-20g tanks.