What's the most docile trigger


Active Member
I'm turning for an aggresive tank soon, I've been reading how triggers are pitbulls. Or you get one and then it's fine for 2 years than eats everyone. Whats one that wont turn devil on you after a few years?


The more docile triggers are Xanthichthys - Blue throat, Crosshatch, Sargassum, this group is more predictable. Than I would list the Niger (Odonus) or Pinktail (Melichthys), I have seen the good and bad in both of these fish.


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
The more docile triggers are Xanthichthys - Blue throat, Crosshatch, Sargassum, this group is more predictable. Than I would list the Niger (Odonus) or Pinktail (Melichthys), I have seen the good and bad in both of these fish.
Like V lioness said, these 3 (blue throat, crosshatch, sargassum) are by far the more passive. Then niger and pink tail. Nigers are great though and still very good company for a fish only tank with large tank mates. What were you planning on adding and what tank size did you have in mind? This makes a big difference on whether the trigger will become hostile.


Nigers are not the most docile triggers! As stated crosshatch,blue-throat,sargassum,lei triggers are the more docile.


Originally Posted by Titan
Nigers are not the most docile triggers! As stated crosshatch,blue-throat,sargassum,lei triggers are the more docile.
Yep, lei trigger is another good one that I haven't seen much in the trade. No sense in arguing with that surfin poster. He's like 10 and just regurgitates dribble.


Active Member
A 95gal. This is what I"m thinking
a bluethroat trigger
regal angel
kole tang
valentini puffer
some sort of eel
and MAYBE a hawkfish


Originally Posted by boalgf
Yep, lei trigger is another good one that I haven't seen much in the trade. No sense in arguing with that surfin poster. He's like 10 and just regurgitates dribble.
i was giving my poinion :mad:


and why should i be picked on because im 10 years old im not a stupid sack of patatoes im smart too and i guess you havent heard of an opinion :notsure:


Active Member
I didn't know or could tell he was ten until he told me...I take in everyones advice, I'm 15. I would hope no one would treat me different because of my age


Originally Posted by Yimmy
I didn't know or could tell he was ten until he told me...I take in everyones advice, I'm 15. I would hope no one would treat me different because of my age
It's becuase of this that unexperienced hobbyist posts can cause trouble for a new hobbyist. New people assume he knows what he's talking when he answers with such certainty and that is dangerous for them. You didn't ask an opinion, you asked specifically which one is more docile. I've got a niger and have seen it fully shred another fish in the matter of an hour or so and there was nothing I could do about it. If you just want opinions then people can get on here and say, "The titan trigger is the most docile." New hobbyists would not know the difference, so unless another board member called me out, the new member would have to rely on this bad advice.
Of course you'll be treated differently because of your age and experience. That's life. Would you sooner trust the information of an adult with numerous fish tanks or a preteen who still wants his first?
Like I said, Niger triggers are great fish but not the most docile trigger.
Yimmy, you should ditch the regal angel idea. They are expert only fish. What kind of eel did you have in mind?


Active Member
For an eel I'm not sure, I'm not able to spend 300+$$$ on an eel. I also want something colorful, can you post in my other thread and help me out with fish choices
Thanks for all the hellp


Active Member
Just have to say this:
It does not matter what age people are on this board, please treat everyone with respect, and it goes both ways.
People are entitled to their opinion at any age.
If someone is inexperienced, then the majority of other posts will demonstrate that and the original poster can see it. If there are few other posts, then the detail of the answer will probably win the argument, without having to belittle other members of the board.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Just have to say this:
It does not matter what age people are on this board, please treat everyone with respect, and it goes both ways.
People are entitled to their opinion at any age.
If someone is inexperienced, then the majority of other posts will demonstrate that and the original poster can see it. If there are few other posts, then the detail of the answer will probably win the argument, without having to belittle other members of the board.
Sure, in a perfect world.

I will, however attempt to curb my enthusiasm when dealing with the children.