what's the point


New Member
i don't get it. why do people on this forum ask people what fish they should stock their tank with. you should do your own research because everybody has different tastes. ur gonna get what you want in the long run anyways so why bother wasting ur time asking people what you want. does anybody else feel this way too?


Active Member
Well I think this is where people come to for research and ideas...and at least they do come and ask. Many go to the LFS, see the pretty fish, and go that way.
At least if they come and say "what can I put in my 55g" I can give a list of fish - depending on whether they prefer aggressive or want corals or whatever. So yes, that needs to be clarified - and can be annoying sometimes - but it is an opportunity to get people on the right track if you look at it that way :)


you wouldnt be more wrong imo. research can go 2 ways. search google for written work, that cannot be questioned. or come here, ask people who have personal experience that might be different from "the way" and get multiple opinions.
maybe you shouldnt have registered here


I was thinking the same thing. Why participate in the boards if you're going to get picky about the questions? If it bugs you, don't view those particular threads. I'm new at this website and love the fact that you can ask whatever you need to and know people will take the time to help you. I've asked for opinions on fish from these boards before and recieved some great info


I think alot of people really aren't sure what can go in a tank or what is compatible. They do want suggestions and then they will make their own decision in the end. I have a thread right now about adding a starfish to my tank and I will listen and do what they think is best because some of the people on here I have alot of respect for when it comes to their knowledge on salt water.
So sorry, but I don't agree with you.


New Member
my point is there is a difference in people asking of this goes with that or whats a hardy fish that will go with this and that, but if you don't research what fish you might want to get and just be thoughtless and ask hey what do you think i should put in my empty tank is just lazy to me and if you are gonna be lazy you shouldn't have a salt tank. the thing also is that there are a lot of people that put up threads that are actual questions about whats wrong with there tank or fish sometimes people don't answer those questions at all when about 20-100 people have looked at the thread and then these people ask hey what should i stock my tank with and they get like 10-20 replies with people and their own opinions.


Active Member
Well its an easy question to answer, even for some new folks...so people answer. It is opinion. Those are easy questions. :)
Actually problems may not be so easy to sort out. The people who see them may not know. And some that do may find it is such a common question that it is annoying in an of itself. There are a lot of frequent questions where using the search would give the answer. And often people won't answer those, admittedly. There are a lot of reasons people do and don't reply to certain threads.
I do like people to at least say "hey I want a reef tank what fish can I keep" or similar. But I am just happy people ask at all.