Whats the real story behind live rock ??


I read and read about live rock on the posts " BUT "
I am setting up a 90 and a wet dry and a protein skimmer, all in a 30 gal sump. So is the live rock going to give me more filtration
besides this equipment. is this going to speed up my cycle or just make for a more balanced tank ?
Whats the diffrents between Cured rock / uncured rock ?
My tank at the moment will be fish only for now.


Active Member
Live rock greatly increases your biological filtration..and it will could affect your cycle...and it could not, depending on the amount of die off....cured rock is rock that has been sitting in a tank, letting everything basically die off to reduce the cycle in your tank..uncured rock is the opposite...when you put it in your tank, you will have to wait longer for all of the cycle to occur.


new fish
yes will def increase your bio filtererzation alot as does live sand
on my 72 gall i have 75lbs lr 100 ls and a good skimmer that is it no w/d no other filters and my water parms a perfect i can't even grow alge
in process of setting up my 220 the same way