What's the scoop on sponges??


Do many people get them?
Do they come in a lot of colors?
Will they grow very well?
Are they treated pretty much like soft corals?


i had a red tree sponge for a while... it got thinner and thinner untill it fell appart. i was told at the time that it was the amount of light in our tanks. i dont know if this is true but there is a section of my sump where there is little light and i placed the sponge down there and it has stopped shrinking. i probably wouldnt buy another one.


Strange we are now 2 posts apart.
My sponge was in FOWLR for a couple years then I decided to get into ls and do some soft corals brighten up my lighting and add better water flow. Naturally I'm even more interested in my orange tree sponge. It's got algae on it and have shrank but is still hanging in there. I've been wondering what conditions it would like best. It looks like this: