What's the worst aquarium related smell you've experienced?



ihave a very large skimmer that fills a 5 gallon bucket every other week ...when you first open that lid than pour 5 gallons of muck into the sink you almost wanna vomit right there..ive found that smoking a cigarette while doing this helps greatly..and im not even a smoker!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dboy999
ihave a very large skimmer that fills a 5 gallon bucket every other week ...when you first open that lid than pour 5 gallons of muck into the sink you almost wanna vomit right there..ive found that smoking a cigarette while doing this helps greatly..and im not even a smoker!

The sink? I dump my skimmer cup in the toliet.


ihave a very large skimmer that fills a 5 gallon bucket every other week
Oh my gawd! That makes me heave just hearing it! :hilarious


Active Member
When my devil's hand coral passed and I decided it was time to take it out...whew *fanning nose and gagging*. yuck!!
Lisa :happyfish


My tank is very young...but taking out the shrimp that I cycled my tank with was something to behold. If that WASN'T the worst of it, I'm in for a REAL treat....PEEEEE YEEEEEEWWWW!



Active Member
This isnt aquarium related but worst smell for me was one year when I opened the pool and discovered a dead bird was in the muck on top of the winter pool cover.
The leaf mush is bad enough but throw a dead bird in and watch out :scared:

It was really bad!


pulled out a big dead turbo snail that had been in there for a couple days after my tank crashed, had to air out the whole house.


Active Member
I ordered a bunch of mushrooms at auction at one point, and most of them had died and melted in transit. The smell was enough to knock you back on your heels. Horrific.
The miracle was that I managed to save a number of them through TLC in my QT.


I bought a used tank once, and the guy I was buying it from said he had a few buckets of liverock he'd let me have too. Turns out it was live rock at one point, but sitting outside in the cold and rain for a couple of months did quite a job on it. I pulled off one of the shrink wrap covers and I swear it was like being punched in the face by stank! That's the only way to describe the smell. Worse than any skimmate I've ever smelled. I figured free baserock was a good thing, so I brought it home and let it dry out. Put it next to the fence outside(about 6 feet from the next-door neighbors bedroom window), so the dirtbags that cause all the trouble on our street could enjoy the wonderful aroma while it dried
I'm not passive aggressive, I'm just plain EVIL!!!!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by ShrimpDady
The smell of silversides is pretty bad.
I gag everytime I feed my BTA.

Are they frozen? I've never noticed a smell to mine when I feed my bta.


Active Member
Dead shark (and I'm not talkin a bamboo cat shark) in broken freezer.
But dead anemones, giant clams and snails are a pretty close second.


Active Member
Dead xeina, snails, carpet anemones and skimmer collection cup have got to be the worst smells going when it comes to aquariums. Those smells are worse then a abscess tooth. Since my quote was already used. Those smells will gag a maggot.


Dead xenia is awful. I have a pretty strong stomach and I almost lost it on that one. I had a small chunk of it that wasn't looking good and I had lots more healthy stalks so I threw the bad one in the trash can. Bad idea! The next day when I took the lid off to take it out..................should have known better.

Next worse was when my 2 year old shared his milk with the fish. Just imagine, milk dumped into an 80 degree tank! By the time we got back from the store with a huge filter and extra water to save what we could the entire house smelled like rotten milk!