what's the worst flood you ever had?


kinda new to all of this saltwater stuff but i am loving it after almost 6 months into it.
Reason for asking about your worst flood was tonight i was moving a tank and put some live rock in a 15 gallon tank and filled it with saltwater from the main tank and took a break, sat down and started surfin swf message board and in no time i heard (CRACK) turned and looked at both tanks and heard (CRACK AGAIN) holly crap what was that!!!!! I got up and pow the whole side of the 15 gallon tank cracked and what a mess i had to clean up.
So i was wondering what the worst spil or flood everyone else had cause after today omg what a job,all that saltwater.

salty rick

Luckily the worst that I ever had was when the powerhead came off my Seaclone Skimmer. The water from the powerhead shot water out of the tank. I would say about three gallons went on the floor before my daughter saw what was going on.
Back in 1984 when I was doing freshwater, I had a 29 crack while out of town and it flooded the apartment downstairs. The crack stopped about 2 inches from the bottom. All fish survived.


wow!! thats terrible... why would it crack like that? did you drop in rock to quickly or something?????
ive only had my sump side bust out and all of the water in my tank just kept running out of the sump it was 55 gallons. i lost only acouple of fish. but the worst was at the store i work at. our invert rack overflowed because calurpa got into the overflow and it overflowed about 150 gallons into the store next to us. we got in a lot of trouble with the land lord . but the best thing is , was that it happened during the night and when i went to open the store i had to clean it all up. it was one of the worst days of my life. well it wasnt that bad but believe me it was bad.


i was using one of those tap water purifiers and forget i had it going and it made water thru the whole night until i got up and went in the basement. i figured about 50 gal got on the floor, a real pain in the --- to clean up.


I moved my first 90g from an apartment to my mom and dad's. Until I could find a new place. Well I found a new place and was going to move my 90 in when the weather got better. Meanwhile their floor started to sag from the weight and all of a sudden I got a call from mom telling me to get home in a hurry cause my tank cracked! :eek: I got there and dad had buckets catching most of the water but it was a huge mess. The back of the tank had a crack from top to bottom. I took my fish in to a LFS and gave them away. I got the tank fixed and sold it for what it cost me to get it fixed and didn't own another tank for about 8 years.


no cracks yet, thank goodness, but I did go to my fish store yesterday and noticed that their 12' x 4' x 3' reef tank was missing from the front wall. When I asked what happened, the owner told me that the Red Lobster restaurant next door (now there's some irony) had a problem with their drainage and had to have the sewer pumped out about once a month. He assumed that during all of the construction to clean the sewer, that one of his huge LR fell and cracked the tank during the night. They lost everything but the LR. Luckly their building had a drain in the middle of the floor.


Oh, this is good!! Yes we have had our flood!! We have a 125 that had been up for better than a year. My husband decided to take a life insurance policy out one day, paid the first premium and the early hours of the morning heard a strange noise. He went to investigate and found the bottom had busted in the 125 and about half of the tank had emptied. Being concerned with electrical outlets and cords, he reached under the tank while standing in ankle deep salt water and proceeded to pull plugs. Needless to say, the lights that he had turned on dimmed and buzzed and he felt like a Christmas tree that had just been plugged in!! When we got everything under control and all established again with a new tank we begin to make jokes about it being almost the cheapest insurance policy that he had ever purchased, but wondered how the insurance company would feel if something had happened!! Thank goodness all ended well but sure caused havoc at the moment. It was a weakness in the bottom of the tank and the company replaced it without a problem. Don't think they could have replaced my husband that easily!!


Active Member
I have an above tank refugium, one day a snail crawled into the the bulkhead that gravity feeds the water back to my show tank and water was pouring out of the top of my refugium. Luckily I was home and the refugium has a very slow flow through it.