What's this corncob-looking thing?


Active Member
It came attached to a piece of live rock. I'm pretty sure it's dead, but any idea what it was? It's about 3 inches long.


Active Member
its actually saltwater corn species. makes great popcorn as it is already salted!
lol jk i have no clue, never seen it before. is it soft or hard? looks like it could be a sponge.


Active Member
LOL You guys are a BIG help! But hey - even a silly answer is better than NO answer. If nothing else your replies will keep this post bumped up until someone does recognize it and tell me if I can leave it alone or if I should destroy it before it takes over and destroys the earth.


Sea Squirt AKA Tunicate (not sure on the spelling)? I have a couple in my tank, they look exactly the same. I was told they are harmless filter feeders.


Active Member
A tunicate, huh? Well it's certainly a possibility.... it doesn't really look like any photos I can find except maybe like a "clubbed tunicate". I'm still not finding much info on them, though..... I'm not even sure if this thing is dead or alive, or if it's good or bad But since it's in a spot in the tank where the fish seem to like to congregate it can't be too anti-social so - it stays!
If anyone else has other guesses as to what it might be (from this planet or otherwise), keep them coming. Until then - I dub him "tunicate".


Active Member
Tunicates have two spoutsopenings, intake, output. Does this thing? Doesn't look like one to me.


This is a pic of one I have, not the best pic, but it does have a intake, and output. I have this one, and one other that looks exactly like what you picture shows. Somebody else on here may be able to shed more light on the subject.


Active Member
Doesn't seem to have any openings in the top or bottom but there is this very distinct opening smack dab in the middle of the "corncob".
Very strange thing.....



Keep and eye on the top, the one I have has the same type of opening on the side, and then it opens on the top too. I would think it is still alive if it is opening and closing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Moondog
Keep and eye on the top, the one I have has the same type of opening on the side, and then it opens on the top too. I would think it is still alive if it is opening and closing.
Actually now that you mention it I have never noticed the opening on the side before but today it was very obvious. Maybe this thing really IS still alive!?!?!?