whats this???? need help




Originally posted by cboyfan2020
just diatomic algae. do a search and read for like a week:eek:

second that...
check for phospates as well...
IMO your best bet is to do nothing though... usually the slowest process, but it will give the algae time to suck out all the nutrients it feeds on and then will starve the whole bunch.


well i have a 55 gal tank and my test's all have been comming out perfect i guess the cycle didn't start yet. and yes the two clow fish i have are my test fish.


Active Member
just a suggestion......if you have any ammonia or nitrites in tank I would remove those clowns immediately. Damsels are about the only SW fish that can handle those elements and some of them dont even make it.
I guess I am confused on whether you are cycling your tank or it has finished cycling
the cycle starts immediately when you add live organisms be it live rock,sand,or fish. Can you post your levels please:D


to cboyfan2020
ok my tests are perfect ever since i started my tank.
my PH




i been testing it since 3/17-4/19 no changes nothing. i have two clowns in there with a fluval 303 filter 55gals protien skimmer installed but not runnning. the results are even with the two clown fish. when i set my tank up i also used natures live sand i got 3 bags of it. and still no cycle yet. mabye i missed it i dont know.
my slat is between 1.023 and 1.024. so i can add more fish?


Hi there,
I don't think its possible that you just "skipped" your cycle....I would say if you add more fish it will affect the bioload and you will end up like i did....BIO-OVERLOAD. I would make REALLY sure first that you are complete with your cycle. Make sure all your Amm, Nit, & Nitrates have risen and fallen back to zero or else if you add more fish you will get spikes an then Uh -oh, you'll end up like I did having to buy an emergency 10 gal tank (Temp tank) while i just let the Bacteria grow and RE-cycle in my 20 gal tank. Because I did too much too soon, I ended up losing a Coral Beauty, 2 small Clowns, and a Blenny.....Thank Goodness I caught up with everything and I am much more patient now. My 2 Mustang seahorses are back in the 20 gal tank and I did add some clean up crew but for now, only the 2 ponies will be residing for awhile...I will make sure I don't overload again@! GOOD LUCK..MarSea