What's this on my Rock?


One more picture of my Rock.....
I am currently cycling a 125 and just added some live rock after 4 days. My question is: What is growing on this rock? Did I get lucky and get some kind of life along with my rock....?
Please let me know what I have on there..
Also do I need to use special lights for this?


great purple coraline algae - mine had less than that but it spread quickly! I think I also saw a featherduster
I dunno alot of this sw stuff but i am learning this is all new to me. But those things growing on there i have found that my buudy had them and took over his tank... they anoenes (spelling sorry) so yeah let someone who knows a little more but those look like what he had they are a pain they dont go away and they sting you and it hurts!!!!!!!!!:eek: ask one of the big guys in here what that is i hope i am wrong and they are good but good luck


I am leaning towards a FOWLR tank but would like to house a couple neat corals and inverts.....Is this possible?
Does it look like this with a hard shell base?
If so it is called Astrangia and is a benign hitchiker. I have about 50 scattered about on my LR.


This pic may be better..
What is this?
I have a ton of this on one rock.....Is it bad or is it bonus from the LFS?


Active Member
It does not look like the dreaded aptasia anenome to me. It almost looks like button polyps or even the astangia tracklighter mentioned.