Whats this on the glass?


I just set up a 60 gallon reef two weeks ago( my first). I've got 60 pounds of live rock and 80 pounds of sand 60 of which is live.Everything has been going good, ammonia has been dropping. I have'nt checked nitrites yet.Today I noticed these tiny critters running around on the glass,and clustters of what looks like little stars or transparent asterisks. Are these cool or something I should be concerned about? Where did they come from the rock? Is there something I should be adding to help whatever is living on the rock(alae,worms,etc)to grow?


all those things are normal for new live rock.. there is a lot of life in and on those rocks. and gradually you'll see more and more.. my friend got a free bar goby in some live rock she purchased.. the little transparent * you mentioned may be aiptasia which may cause a problem later but is ok for now.. .. as for helping with the growth of corraline algea etc.. trace elements are always a good idea..Inland Seas, biotrace for example ... it won't hurt not to add anything yet but it's never a bad thing.. happy reefing..


Active Member
If you want coralline algea to grow you need to add calcium and buffer. I have been using Agramilk by CaribSea lately with good results.