whats this????


Active Member
it is on the bottom of the lr and it on the right and is upside down! what is it it moves aorund like a snail could it be a hitchhiker (havebt got lr in awhile) or is it my queen conch out of its shell or what is it?


Originally Posted by bill109
it is on the bottom of the lr and it on the right and is upside down! what is it it moves aorund like a snail could it be a hitchhiker (havebt got lr in awhile) or is it my queen conch out of its shell or what is it?
hmmm, hard to tell from that pic, do you have a clear dead on shot of it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
hmmm, hard to tell from that pic, do you have a clear dead on shot of it?
here are some



Originally Posted by bill109
here are some
What the heck is that? now it looks like a turtle. That is the same thing you posted before????


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
What the heck is that? now it looks like a turtle. That is the same thing you posted before????
haha yeah the same thing on the bottom of it it has a bunch of these white marks and it has no head like a turtle its wierd it looks like a snail out of its shell but it has those wierd lines i was telling you about! it is the shape of the snails shell though but dont snails look differnet then that? like oiut of there shell dont they have like a leg sticking out


Originally Posted by bill109
haha yeah the same thing on the bottom of it it has a bunch of these white marks and it has no head like a turtle its wierd it looks like a snail out of its shell but it has those wierd lines i was telling you about! it is the shape of the snails shell though but dont snails look differnet then that? like oiut of there shell dont they have like a leg sticking out
Snails have no legs. think of the slugs you see outside, same thing but with a shell


It's called a Limpit. They are hitchhikers. I have read up on them. It says in the ocean, they return to the same place every night! Pretty neat!


Originally Posted by Shelley
It's called a Limpit. They are hitchhikers. I have read up on them. It says in the ocean, they return to the same place every night! Pretty neat!
hmmmm ok, I have never heard of them.


Active Member
its just a snail. tough bugger to get off of my rock, but it is eating algae on my glass so it stays :)


You know, I have no clue. I wouldn't think so as they're really a type of snail from what I know. I know they eat algae. I wouldn't think he's a threat to anything in your tank.