whats up w/ my snail?


My most active snail seems to be taking a break - or at least I hope thats all it is. I've never seen him to just lay there like this for more then several hours. My water levels are perfect. PH - 8.5 Nitrite/Nitrate/Ammonia 0 - Temp 78 - Salinity 1.025. I'm just being paranoid.... right??


Active Member
I hope it's just you being paranoid, but you can always pick it up and smell it... trust me, if it's dead you'll know it.


I guess I could poke at it and see if it tries to hide in it's shell or SOMETHING. Any kind of movement at this point would be great, but I think I'll leave the sniff test to my husband.


Active Member
Originally Posted by susie&jeran
I guess I could poke at it and see if it tries to hide in it's shell or SOMETHING. Any kind of movement at this point would be great, but I think I'll leave the sniff test to my husband.
... why do we always get the dirty jobs? ...
good thinking though.


Originally Posted by renogaw
can just put up next to the glass or onto a rock as well. how old is it?
i honestly don't know. he's only been in our tank for 3 1/2 weeks or so. he was doing pretty well up until yesterday. he dropped off the side of the tank and hasn't moved since. i could see his eyes moveing a little this morning, but since then.. no action.


I just thought of something - we originally bought him cause we had a HUGE alge outbreak, but since then - the alge is under control. I wonder if maybe there isn't enough alge left for him to feed on considering in out 55gal tank we have 4 other mexican turbo snails, 12 blue hermit crabs, 2 conchs, 1 sandsifting starfish and our CBS. Maybe I have too many cleaners and not enough alge??


Originally Posted by renogaw
way too many mexican turbos.
Really? This site and lfs all agree that we needed 1 per every 10 gal. Unless I'm stupid and just can't add..... 1 per 10 gal. for a 55 gal. = 5 snails.


Active Member
yes, but mexican turbos are not the same snails as far as i'm concerned. I only have 2 mexican turbos in my 75. Astrea snails, and nassarius snails that's a good rule for, but not mexican turbos. they eat too much.


You guys weren't kidding about the sniff test. That smell is forever burned into my memory. Needless to say the snail is gone.


Originally Posted by susie&jeran
You guys weren't kidding about the sniff test. That smell is forever burned into my memory. Needless to say the snail is gone.
I'm sorry for your loss but I have to admit this post made me chuckle.... the part about "forever burned into my memory".
Hopefully you don't have to experience it again (the loss or smell).


Active Member
sorry...I was going to chime in with a "waft it" reminder, but I evidently have posted too late. If you think that a dead snail stinks, try a dead cleaner clam (OH MY GOODNESS). I wish that my buddies had been over as I would have definitely cashed in my courtesy sniff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
sorry...I was going to chime in with a "waft it" reminder, but I evidently have posted too late. If you think that a dead snail stinks, try a dead cleaner clam (OH MY GOODNESS). I wish that my buddies had been over as I would have definitely cashed in my courtesy sniff.
ehh, i don't smell the cleaner clam--i just open it and let the CUC have a tasty snack.
snails though they won't eat, and most likely die with their protective shield closed making a right awful smell.


Active Member
Being a guy...I couldn't resist myself. In my defense, it was my first cleaner clam and I wasn't sure if it was living or dead as I had never dealt with them. I was told that when they were fully open, the other critters in my tank would enjoy the tasty snack that you are speaking of....how disgusting!!! If it smells that bad, how can any living thing consider it a "tasty snack"???


I had a cleaner clam die the other morning. I was shocked at how fast 4 hermits cleaned him out. Took about 2 hours. I could be wrong, but I thought I heard some louds burps later in the day...