whats up with my salt


Active Member
hyposalinity, no matter how it is defined, is not effective against ick, until it is down to 1.009, just to clarify
and most oceans are in the higher range(1.025 give or take)
lower salinity as mentioned can also be stressful for fish as well adn is much less otlerable for inverts such as corals and shrimp. so unless you are keeping afish only without lr and inverts or corals tehn i would not even consider lowering it below 1.020(and i peersonally would not go near that even, mine is 1.0255 normally)
hth,a nd tanks tang and others


I guess that this to some degree would support the lower salinity kills parasites belief:
Natural Reef Aquariums (John H. Tullock), page 120:
"Marine aquariums are often maintained at a lower specific gravity in the belief that the lowered salinity reduces stress on fishes and makes the survival of parasites less likely. I am aware of no evidence to support this practice; I recommend a reading of 1.0240 at 75 degrees F."


O.K. I suggest you look at the 2 page post in the Disease section titled "hyposalinity" by h2oski. Lots of info by very educated and experienced people. Essentially hyposalinity is when you achieve a salinity of less than 16 part per thousand (ppt) which depending on water temperature is around 1.009 to 1.010 specific gravity. Any SG greater than this is NOT hypo. Just lowering the SG to something low, be it 1.020, 1.016, 1.012 does not meet the requirements of the definition of hyposalinity. Beth (one of our moderators) also has very good info on how to achieve hypo correctly. And lower SG does not hurt fish at all but if you have live sand or rock or inverts it will sureley harm them. I say do some research on this forum and you will find plenty to learn about hypo. Just had to give my .02 worth... regards, Joe.

richard rendos

Active Member
Rockster likes to do this type of thing. When you finally give him a source, he will ignore you. I went round and round with him on the subject of how much light is blocked with glass tops. When I finally gave him a realiable source...a direct quote from an email from All-Glass aquariums, he never acknowledged it. He seems to like to stir up trouble, but can't admit when he is wrong.
I keep my salinity at 1.026. 5 yrs. no parisites, no deseases. My corals love this level. I have never had a cleaner wrasse or anything else like it.