Whats up with my sun coral?


New Member
They are supposed to do that thats the way they feed. They come out at night they require regular feeding and if you feed your tank at the same time every time then they will start coming out when you feed.


New Member
Oh and I had to feed mine almost every day or so to get them to stay alive I stopped feeding mine for like a week and they went down hill quick and I never got them to recover so I traded them in.


Active Member
it looks starved.
Feed it for about a week and half everyday in a bowl and let it sit in there for about 40mins even if you dont think its eating. it will come back and livin up. Thats what I had to do with mine at first when i got it.


I know its not too healthy, it has been eating every nitght fine since I got it. I got it from a friend who did not want it. That is not what it looks like when it feeds, they come out and look like pollys when they feed. Look at the photo, that one polly is bubbled up.