what's up with my turbos?


I just got 5 good sized mexican turbos today and they've been in my tank for about 2 hours now. They are piled on top of eachother and won't separate! I'm waiting patiently for them to start cleaning up some diatoms! Anyway, is it impolite to separate them? Or should I expect them to break it up soon?


Active Member
I would just let them move on their own. It takes time for snails newly added to a tank to start feeding. Be happy they are moving and just let them be :yes:


Active Member
Hermit crabs are very social animals. They are probably just nervous about their new surroundings. They sound healthy to me :)


Active Member
My astreas did this and they will move on there own. But mine wouldnt move off the sand "there not sand loving snails by no means" they didnt start moving till I put them on the rock. Ever since none has touched the sand only rocks and glass.


Active Member
I just put one in my tank on a piece of LR and it hasnt left it for 3 hours. He is alive cuz i see the rock is getting cleaned up nicely


Yea, they're fine mine did the same thing. Took them overnight to finally get used to it and they separated. Mine still do the conga line every now and again and bang up against the glass. KInda funny to watch. I don't understand it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Palumbo
Then they hooked up with themselves because snails are A-sexual :D
It is not uncommon for them to spawn in captivity, and there are male and female snails. But they are broadcast spawners so you generally notice the cloudiness. They wouldn't necessarily be clinging to one another when this happens. Most likely, they are "grazing" on the shell of the other snail, making little distinction between that surface and the surfaces you expect them to clean :yes:


Yep, woke up this morning and within an hour of lights being on they went their separate ways. They are awesome! I'm hoping one of them wanders into my overflow box sometime and cleans it up too. Does everyone's overflow box get brown and gross or is this just more of my diatom bloom and will clear up along with the rest of the tank?