What is ure fav fish? Type down ure fish here and see how many other people like that fish. ( maybe if there pro's they can help u with it ).
Thank you,
I have 2 in my systems now that I really like.....a coral beauty in my reef and a dwarf lion in a fish only.........but then I really like my manderian dragonette and my huma huma trigger...also my wrasse is really kewl and I have a killer pygmy angel...and I reaaly like the personality of my mated pair of perculas....and I'd hate for any thing bad to happen to my large yellow tang or my "tommy the tomato clown"!!!!....but the domino damsel and the blue devil damsels could go carpet surfin any time and I wouldn't bother to put 'em back in the water.....
i agree with fossilcrab i love salmon baked in lemon and butter. but if you mean the tank probably my firefish they were like the first fish added and got lucky and got a mated pair.