whats wrong with my anemones?


i just changed my substrate from cc to ls yesterday....when i put my anemones back in my tank they seemed to get a white stringy substance entangled in their tentacles and now they look like they are going to die...their colors are horrible and they are not opening up fully ...also my green star polyps have not opened...what is going on help me???:help:


what is the reason though? they were not subjected to air while taking them out or putting them back into the tank and all the parameters are fine and i have the proper lighting....hmmm


Active Member
How long have you had the anemones? How are your water parameters today? A substrate change can often cause your water parameters to go south for a little bit of time due to stirring up nitites in the substrate and that may possibly be the cause.


salinity 1.025
trates, trites, and ammonia 0
pH 8.0 ( a little low but working on that)
I've had my condy for over a year and i've had my sebae for 2 months


Active Member
swf says they are shiped in little to no water.. so i would assume they can be out of water for a while


thanks guys
...i went to a lfs and asked and they said that if anemones are stressed they will shed their mucous membrane and will move around quite a bit which is what mine are doing...so if anybody else has this problem its ok ...they just need time to adjust to new water conditions