Heres the scoop. I started out with one BTA in my 12G tank with 32 watts of PC lighting. Then it split after about 4 months of owning him.
Now its been over a year since they split and they were growing like crazy, hosting my perc, eating well, and wewre sticky to the touch.
The both of them got too big for my nano, so I just finished upgrading to a 46G tank with 234 watts of T5 lighting.
I moved them over to my 46 after it cycled and I added the clean up crew and then the 2 clowns.
The tank has been up for about three weeks. Now listen, I bought live rock from a friend that was in his 65G tank for over 2 years... and the tank only took 2 days to cycle. I waited another week to add the cuc and fish. Then another to add the BTA's.
The PH, Temp, Sal, Nitirite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phos, Cal, Kh, all match up from one tank to another perfectly so I never did an aclimation on them.
They are both on the same rock and it's HUGE, so that also played a big role in the non-acclimation process.
So, now they barely open up, are not sticky to the touch, and will not eat. There mouths are still closed, and they have not moved from they're original spots.
So, today I moved them back to the small tank away from the clowns to see if they get better. Any other suggestions?
I also moved over my finger leather and mushrooms and yellow polyps when I moved the anemones.
They all seemed fine except an abundance of brown hair algae in the 46G tank that has gotten out of control made me move them back to the small tank also.
My only logical explanation to the sick anemones is the bigger surplus of flow in the tank, the higher light, or the brown hair algae. Any other ideas?
Both tank params read this
Sal 1.025 (refractometer)
PH 8.1-2ish
Nitirte 0PPM
Nitrate 0PPM
Ammonia 0PPM
Phosphate 0PPM
KH 179 PPM
Calcium 460 PPM
Water in the 46 is RO/DI with o TDS
water in 12 G is tap...
Now its been over a year since they split and they were growing like crazy, hosting my perc, eating well, and wewre sticky to the touch.
The both of them got too big for my nano, so I just finished upgrading to a 46G tank with 234 watts of T5 lighting.
I moved them over to my 46 after it cycled and I added the clean up crew and then the 2 clowns.
The tank has been up for about three weeks. Now listen, I bought live rock from a friend that was in his 65G tank for over 2 years... and the tank only took 2 days to cycle. I waited another week to add the cuc and fish. Then another to add the BTA's.
The PH, Temp, Sal, Nitirite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phos, Cal, Kh, all match up from one tank to another perfectly so I never did an aclimation on them.
They are both on the same rock and it's HUGE, so that also played a big role in the non-acclimation process.
So, now they barely open up, are not sticky to the touch, and will not eat. There mouths are still closed, and they have not moved from they're original spots.
So, today I moved them back to the small tank away from the clowns to see if they get better. Any other suggestions?
I also moved over my finger leather and mushrooms and yellow polyps when I moved the anemones.
They all seemed fine except an abundance of brown hair algae in the 46G tank that has gotten out of control made me move them back to the small tank also.
My only logical explanation to the sick anemones is the bigger surplus of flow in the tank, the higher light, or the brown hair algae. Any other ideas?
Both tank params read this
Sal 1.025 (refractometer)
PH 8.1-2ish
Nitirte 0PPM
Nitrate 0PPM
Ammonia 0PPM
Phosphate 0PPM
KH 179 PPM
Calcium 460 PPM
Water in the 46 is RO/DI with o TDS
water in 12 G is tap...