What's Wrong with my TANG


Since yesterday he started swimmimg erratically in one spot. At fist I thought he was just swimming in the water flow from the jets, I had just repositioned them.It's like he's fighting to stay upright and breathing hard. Up till then he was perfectly healthy and happy. I can't imagine what happened, could he have gotten stung by an anemone? Just a thought.


Active Member
We need more information.
What kind of tang?
How big is your tank?
Specific water parameters?
How long has tank been set up?
Is this a new fish or one you've had for a while?


All water parameter's are within range, I just did a quick check. It's a small to med yellow tank, I've had it for about 1month. My tank is a 35 gal red sea max: 4months going, very healthy all fish are thriving.
1 clown
2 cleaner
2 sm green chromis
1 neon goby
2 snails
3 crabs
1 lawnmower
1 mandrian


Offhand I would say that your tank is too small. I think Tangs need at the very least an 80 gallong tank. It's probably stressed out. For a 35 gallong tank there seems to be quite a few others floating around.


Originally Posted by mytank
Offhand I would say that your tank is too small. I think Tangs need at the very least an 80 gallong tank. It's probably stressed out. For a 35 gallong tank there seems to be quite a few others floating around.
I would have to agree....


I moved this to the disease and treatment but I think your main cause is the tank size not sure though.


Can you post your exact readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, and temp? Does the tang have anything on him such as spots? Are his gills red? Is he being chased or chasing anyone else? The tank is small but should not effect him like this after one month. Fish are in treatment together for longer than that. This sized tank will not be suitable for him nor the mandarin for long. Keep that in mind.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Can you post your exact readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, and temp? Does the tang have anything on him such as spots? Are his gills red? Is he being chased or chasing anyone else? The tank is small but should not effect him like his after one month. Fish are in treatment together for longer than that. This sized tank will not be suitable for him nor the mandarin for long. Keep that in mind.
I just took readings yesterday Amn=0/Trates=0/trites=0.05/ph=8.2 actually he's acting normal now so I don't know what happened. Thanks everyone


Staff member
The nitrites is an immediate factor for all fish in that tank. You should try an find the tang a new home. This fish will not do well in a 35 gal.

al mc

Active Member
Lynly....Not to add to your stress, but not only is the tank size a problem for the tang, but you listed a mandarin in your stock list. Mandarins generally do not do well unless they are in a well established ( 1 year or more ) tank with plenty of live rock and their main food source..copepods....You can buy live copepods for the little guy/gal but that gets expensive. They are beautiful fish, but they do tend to slowly starve over a few months if they do not have enough copepods to support them.


Al Mc;2655707 said:
Lynly....Not to add to your stress, but not only is the tank size a problem for the tang, but you listed a mandarin in your stock list. Mandarins generally do not do well unless they are in a well established ( 1 year or more ) tank with plenty of live rock and their main food source..copepods....You can buy live copepods for the little guy/gal but that gets expensive. They are beautiful fish, but they do tend to slowly starve over a few months if they do not have even copepods to support them.
I did order copepods, they should be here Monday. They weren't that expensive, thanks for your concern though, however I do wish they were already here!! I can't believe that none of the fish stores around here sell them.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I honestly don't think that he can be OK in one day. Please listen to the advice given.
Right now he's pretty small so I don't think size is the issue at this point. Actually he did stop acting crazy this morning, grazing, and eating ,but he started again. It's like he's trying to shake something off of him. It's not constant like it was yesterday, and he settles down when the lights go out. I appreciate all the advice and I do take it literally Thanks again