whats wrong with my water?


Active Member
Well, i just tested all my water params today and they are a little off for the first time since the tank has been up ( a little more than two months time ). My readings are as follows
pH 8.2
ALK 2.74meq/L
Calc. 380
Ammonia 0.4
NitrIte 0.2
Nitrate <10
Salinity 1.0245
What could be causing this and what should i do about it? everything in the tank seems happy, corals etc are open and fish seem normal. I added DT's Phyto today, could that be the culprit?


from your tests it looks like somthing has died on you are you missing any fish have you added any live rock i would do a water change and do another test the next day i dont think the phyto caused the problem unless you overdosed the tank try a water change and see what happens