Whats Wrong???


Okay, I admit it... I added too much too fast. I have lots of little problems with my tank, please be patient and help me.
Tank Status
Cycle Complete
24 gallon
PH- 8.2
Nitrate- 6ml/L
Salinity- 1.023
Temp- 77
1 month old
Six Line Wrasse
F. Perc Clown
Pygmy angel- added yesterday
All are under 1.5 inches, eating, and healty
1 Feather Duster- added yesterday
1 Choclate Chip starfish- added yesterday
4 Hermit crabs- 2 added yesterday
4 Turbo Snails- 3 added yesterday
24 LBS
20 LBS
I have a Fuval 204 and an Eclipse hood
1st of all, I have a Mantis Shrimp lurking somewhere in my LR, I will take the LR out, piece by piece and give it a freshwater dip. I heard that this will get the shrimp out. How long should I wait for the dip?
2nd, my new hermits and turbos are acting funny. They move VERY slowly, but otherwise look fine. My older ones seem a bit faster.
3rd, my Starfish hasnt moved much. It just stays in the upper corner. Seems okay, though.
4th, the feather duster is looking a little bit like a wilted flower, its "feathers" are sorta wilted. But it seems okay since its usually out of its tube. Is it hungery? The LFS guy said that it probably wouldnt need any food.
I know I got myself in a big mess. The question is, what to do????
<img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


What do you think I should return? I'm thinking the starfish and maybe the feather duster. Is anything wrong the way they are acting? I have only had them for 24 hrs, is it possible they are still getting used to the tank? Thanks....
(No, I do not work for a pet store... )


you said it to much to fast but I think we are all guilty of that one...
#1 I have heard that 5 minutes or so and should come out but aslo really high salinity will also cause this. traps are another option..
#2 how long did you ascclimate them into your tank? they are susitible to salinity chages like starfish not quit as bad though. if you acclimated them properly they may just be getting used to your tank.
#3 how long did you acclimate the star into your tank and how did you do it? what type of starfish do you have some like to stay at the top of the tank at the waterline like the Chocolate chip star.
#4 the feather dusters are filter feeders the do eat small particules that are in your tanks water. some even toss there crown when put into new surroundings they usually grow them back. they do have foods specific for filter feeders.
I hope this helps and am sure that other will add more to it this is from what I know and have heard so I hope it helps out..
sorry to answer a Question with a Question..


I would say if you have a LFS that will take the livestock back I would take all but the cleanup crew back and give it alittle more time to mature and becaome stable..keep testing your water and do water changes to keep amonia and such in check.
quick Question have you had FW tanks in the past?
legit Q k because if you have had FW you can usually stock fairly quick after setup as for SW needs some time before it can support life without as many problems and cost..


So, the behavior of the Choclate Chip star is normal? And the feather duster? The owner of the LFS sold me everything, and he knows A LOT. is it possible that everything will be okay?


anything and everything is possible but the final decision is up to on how you preceed with your tank. just keep in mind that the animals that you have choose cant speak and tell you that they are having problems. if you choose to keep everything keep an eye on the water parameters and keep alot of extra salt water made up to do major water changes if needed and dont be disapointed if some of your livestock doent make it. it is always a possibility...
all in all good luck with your choice and let us know how it goes and what you do ..


Well, the Pygmy angel is coming out more and eating, the feather duster seems better, and the Starfish is moving around and looking heathly! And, I am going to set up a trap for that Manits!!!!
Thanks for your help, it looks like everyting *may* be okay. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Darn, my Pygmy got Ick...
I just did a freshwater dip for 2 minutes... took a long time to catch him...
what now??? !!!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Um, its been about an hour since i did the dip... should the ick be gone??? It isn't. Are there any reef safe medications out there?


There really is no such thing as a reef safe medication even if the bottle says so dont do it, get a QT and use hypo as the above post of MR TANG says it will work out the best for you and ALWAYS QUARINTINE your fish when you purchase them, it will save you money stress and time in the long run. --- Bill


Hey where in CA r u ? You have to do QT its a must even you could use a large rubber maid tub from Wal Mart with a pump and heater woulld be fine but its realy a must it already shows you need one it will eliminate all the problems you are experiancing now



The ick *appears* to be gone, after 24 hours. I didnt quarinitne, just the dip.
Is it gone, or just ready for a counter attacK? Thanks