Whats wrong?


I have a 75 gal with 80 lbs of Ls and "35 lbs of LR" I have one 4 in clown stergeon (sp) one royal gramma, 2 firefish, one precula clown, one condi, 2 cleaner shrimp, one cleaner wrasse, 2 serpant stars plus 3 fighting conchs.
My system has 1 wave maker and a 404 fluval with just some floss with a spray bar...my whole system is filtered with the "Mud" system. My problem is .25 nitrates...everything else isd premo. I do a 25% water change every sat with R/O water adding Kalwasser buffer plus calcium and Strom all this has been up and running for 1.5 years...any suggestions? By the way I used 4 damsels to "cycle" my tank but they passed when I added a Yellow Tang with "ich" at the time a had polyp rocks so I couldn't treat them. since then I now have "hospital tank" of 20 gals

mr . salty

Active Member
Shooting for zero nitrates in a small fowlr tank is pretty much an impossible dream..Although some may claim they have done it,it really is quite hard to accomplish...
If you are determined to get them down,,Try looking into adding a large,slow flowing refugium.
A deepsand bed in the tank will also help.
How about a skimmer??? You dont mention one in your post.
You really should have one,,,A GOOD ONE...This alone would probably help the most....


Thanks for the advice. I have a Seaclone protien skimmer but there is never any "sludge" to empty. I checked to make sure is ok and it is...it runs great, nice little tornado action, I thought that the nitrates were supposed to be at zero. My critters look happy...very interesting to sit and watch them.

bang guy

Glad you posted then :) you were worrying about nothing :D
IMO keeping Nitrate at zero is not only difficult, but not a good idea. A trace like you have is perfect.
I've never been impressed with Seaclone Skimmers.


Thanks for the advice. The seaclone worked hard when I screwed up my water by not checking the alk...how stupid. I killed my crescent angel and my red lined yellow butterfly fish both from the Red Sea and VERY exspensive. My advice...even if it is always perfect check it anyway, you will save alot of heartache plus the animals who count on you to make things as best as possible. This message is for Mooch, the angel and Holiday, the butterfly who trusted me to see to all their requirements. Doc, my clown surgeon is doing excellent. ( did I say stergeon last night? what an idiot I was)