What's your AIM screen name?


New Member
minknowitall is mine,,, love to chat about reefing,, i am a newbie and loving and learning all about reefing,,,thanks Mindy


there was a thread on here not too long ago about a msn messenger group .... it is awesome! there is about 20-25 of us.... all u gotta do is download msn messenger (free!!) and add people.... im not sure what everyone else is but they are in my contact list and if u IM me on msn i will let u know of theres.... i am treybomb0033@yahoo.com there is almost always a really good amount of people on.. and its an awesome way to get really quick answers to questions


Originally Posted by mindy7
AIM is free too,,,http://www.aim.com/
i know i have an aim sn... but just letting people know that there is a good size group of people from swf.com that chat a lot on msn messenger


Active Member
Anybody is welcome to talk to me about saltwater.. except the "battle rapper" guy...


Active Member
lntnbom is my AIM and Yahoo ... stands for "lions n tigers n bears oh my" my daughter picked it
... feel free to shoot me an IM anytime!!!


Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
LinezOfFury(LoL I'm a battle rapper)
hey r u any good? yeah i battle too. O mines bball4life5123


Mine's DownSouthBoy891. Everyone is welcome to talk to me except for Speg. Also to the guys that battle rap I rap and our group's website is www.irsrap.com. Check our music out and let me know what you think. Also if you buy our new single for a dollar you get entered to win a free Ipod.