What's your alls thoughts on Powder Blue Tangs? (PBT)

I have a 160 gal aquarium that's four months established. I want to add a PBT to it. Have you all ever had one before and have you all had success with this particular fish?

Thanks guys
IMO, your tank is still too new, I would wait. Powder Blues are harder to keep and are very susceptable to ICH.
I tried one, when my tank was too new... I lost him. Save your money and wait a bit.


Active Member
They grow large and need plenty of space. They're also in one of the more aggressive tang families, so if you plan on adding more tangs I would probably save this one for the end.
IME they're not exactly delicate, but they aren't as hardy as say a yellow or kole tang. Ich is something to watch for though...