What's your favorite live rock?


Active Member
I voted for other. I'm a fan of Marshall Island rock for it's shapes, and Kaelini for the reasons listed by Kip. These will be the type of LR in my new setup.


Another vote for kaelini. I have a little bit of marshall with the rest kaelini. Our other tank has Buna branch rock. When I get a larger tank I'll probably buy more kaelini.


I've used kailini and fiji and florida aquaculture rock in the past. One of the top lfs here in no. california swears by kailini. when I got the kailini it was uncured and great -- stuff all over it. however, by the end of curing it was dull and mostly white, although the corralline came back.
so: did I screw up the curing or is it just not possible to keep that lovely "uncured" look in one's tank?
I like the texture of fiji a lot, but people are saying fiji is getting worse, fiji sits in the crates at LAX, etc. etc. The claims are so wild about this stuff that I'm tempted to just get dead rock and seed it with live rock I've got in my other tanks...
Sometimes this hobby makes me feel like a sucker... :rolleyes:


Active Member
IME, all the stuff we see now is junk, It seems like its most deep water rock ( Kaelini, Tonga and Fiji) no life at all on it except for when we put it in out tanks. Then all the unwanted alages come out.
I think the MI rock is ok and once in a while the Fiji is good.


I have Figi but I like premium florida rock; heavier I know but it has a lot more diversity

nm reef

Active Member
The majority of my LR is fiji...but I have seen some excellant tonga/marshall island/kaelini available locally. All of it can be good...especially if it is properly harvested and well cured. Sometimes I think a lot of the stuff we see available has simply been out of the water for way too long and most of the desirable live is dead.