What's Your Favorite Part of Keeping A Saltwater Aquarium?


There are too many reasons.... Off the top of my head...
Very beautiful and gets attention from all guests I have plus the ladies love the tank especially at night when the dim lights are on ^^
I've always wanted a "pet" and since my family doesn't like any animals with furs and hairs running around pooping in different places
Relaxes me to look at the tank after a hard day or school and work
My culture believes it is lucky to have fishes in the house
My friends that keep freshwater aquariums envy my salt tank =]
That's it for now, but I'm sure there are plenty more reasons.

tru conch

Active Member
i love the water and the ocean.
having my own mini ocean is entertaining and relaxing.
you can always make modifications to your tank/set up kind of like a work in progress.
fish dont make any noise, stink, have to have vet check ups, or be walked. (well they do stink when they are dead though)
and of course the ladies love a nice fish tank in the house. hahaha.


New Member
It is kinda wierd, but I honestly love the research and how rewarding it feels to have such an accomplishment which posses such beauty!
There is nother better then to have your own, personal slice of ocean to admire everyday!!!
I love my fishy friends


The ready supply of test subjects for my chemical experiments!
I'd have to say... the competition I'm having with one of my buddies. He currently has a larger fish tank, but I won't stand for this!:mad:

sinner's girl

Cool topic.
I started since Sinner was had a tank. It was something for Sinner and I to do together...but now it's more. The tank is a part of my life.
I love sitting in the chair in front of the tank in Sinner's and watching the fish and inverts play.
It's peaceful and relaxing after a day of school. (though my prof didn't buy the "I don't have my homework b/c I was up all night worring and nursing a sick Tang..."). Even if I just have a few moments before bed it's great to watch. I love feeding them and watching them grow bigger.
I miss the tank. But I'll be home September 1st and I can do a water change and feed them. I'll know they'll be taken care of.
It also gives me a reason to go to school. I need an education so I can get a great job so I buy a bigger tank, more lr, upgrade lights.... (I'll work for fish) :D


I'm not going to lie, having people come over and say what a bad A$$ tank it is.... Oh ya, I love the ocean and it is a great hobby!!


Watching my dancing shrimps during feeding time.
Curious how my sea slug sticks on the glass . . . and hasn't contaminated the water (bought it and then found out the facts but I want to keep it).


I have been fascinated by saltwater fish since I was a little kid.
So now I'm a big kid and can afford them (kinda of:D )
Anybody like my new avatar???

nm reef

Active Member
I actually enjoy the daily maintenance....its relaxing to tend my systems after a hard day of work and being a parent. Plus it is a pure pleasure to relax in front of the display and admire the ever changing diversity of my own private little oceans.:cool:


first i love the look! (brightens up the room) and visitors likes it too, second it's a stress reducer, and third when im bored i have something to look at!! :D


Active Member
hobby - noun
A pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in for relaxation.
Keeping saltwater aquariums keeps me out of trouble, gives me a chance to tinker around with stuff, allows me to learn how to keep living creatures alive and is just one of the most interesting hobbies I enjoy.


The corals look like underwater flowers. love to see them feed. Also seeing basic physics and chemistry in action. I like achieving and maintaining stability in the tank.


Not only do I love the fish, but I am really getting into all the little critters that you don't get in a freshwater tank. I love finding new life popping up. Like the worm thats as thin as a human hair but about 10" long, the barnacles that are alive and kicking (LOL), the tiny brittlestars, the upside-down jellyfish, sponges, seasquirts.........you get the idea!:)


Active Member
My fav part is watching all the life moving aroun in my tank. I love the way it destresses me after a long day. Oh yeah like Derrick T said the ladies love it.


Active Member
Everything - but most recently having my whole family tell my brother who was visiting from California he had to see my tank and him acting like it was boring. Then having him over for dinner and finding him with a chair pulled up in front of the tank for a long time and then starting to ask questions......it was sweeet!:D