Cool topic.
I started since Sinner was had a tank. It was something for Sinner and I to do together...but now it's more. The tank is a part of my life.
I love sitting in the chair in front of the tank in Sinner's and watching the fish and inverts play.
It's peaceful and relaxing after a day of school. (though my prof didn't buy the "I don't have my homework b/c I was up all night worring and nursing a sick Tang..."). Even if I just have a few moments before bed it's great to watch. I love feeding them and watching them grow bigger.
I miss the tank. But I'll be home September 1st and I can do a water change and feed them. I'll know they'll be taken care of.
It also gives me a reason to go to school. I need an education so I can get a great job so I buy a bigger tank, more lr, upgrade lights.... (I'll work for fish)